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30, 2016 / 29 Heshvan 5777
& Recommended
Stop the Presses:
Abbas Reelected Fatah Chief David
Israel Abbas was elected in January 2005 as President of the
Palestinian National Authority until January 2009, but in December 2009 was
voted into office indefinitely by the PLO Central Council.
United Nations’ Remorse
for “Creating” Israel Paul Gherkin At the UN, the “Question of
Palestine” ceased to be a territorial dispute, and became an ethical question
for the United Nations: should the global body have created and voted for the
Jewish State?
the News Yarden Frankl The outrage with the media is
because many believe false news stories attacking Clinton cost her the election.
Israel has long been the victim of fake news stories. Where has all this outrage
more Headlines & Recommended articles
Yishai Fleisher Show
& First Jewish Land Purchase First, on Spiritual
Cafe: Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Yishai to discuss Father Abraham's romantic notion
to bury his beloved wife Sarah at the entrance to the Garden of Eden. This leads
him to make the first Jewish land purchase in the Land of Israel - in Hebron!!
Then, Malkah Fleisher joins Yishai to talk about Elor Azaria - the soldier who
shot a downed terrorist in Hebron - and who is now on trial for defending
more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles