Trump Supporter Banned for Life by Delta After Launching Pre-Flight Political Rant
“The behavior we see in this video does not square with our training or culture.”
An extremely passionate (read: drunk) Donald Trump supporter will never be allowed to step foot aboard another Delta airplane after he launched an expletive-laden political rant before a November 22 flight from Atlanta to Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Delta passenger Emma Baum had noticed the unidentified man while waiting to board shout, “Make America great again” several times. Later onboard, she was seated next to the man until she agreed to switch seats so he could travel with his companion. Baum took the opportunity to ask the man his thoughts on the election and if she could record his response. He stood up to talk to her and said, “Go ahead! I want to tell everyone about Trump. I hope it goes viral.”
And it did — over two million people have since viewed the video where he shouted his support for the president-elect. The video begins after he (apparently) asks if there are any fellow Trump supporters onboard. When he doesn’t receive an adequate response, he says, “Really?! Ain’t nobody going to say sh-t on this plane?”
A woman from the back yells, “We can’t hear you.”
“You can’t hear me?” he yells back. “Donald Trump, baby! That’s right! This man knows what’s up!”
“We got some Hillary b-tches on here?” he continued. “C’mon, baby, Trump! That’s what I’m talking about. Hey, baby, Donald Trump. It’s y’all’s president, every godd-mn one of ya’s.”
“If you don’t like it, too bad,” he said before taking his seat.
It is reported that the man was removed from the flight by flight attendants but after a short conversation was allowed back on.
“This is what I get for being a patriot,” he said when he returned.
On Saturday, Delta released the following apology to customers:
Delta issued the following statement regarding Flight 248 from Atlanta to Allentown, Pa., on Nov. 22:"We are sorry to our customers who experienced this disruption. We have followed up with the teams involved and all agree that this customer should not have been allowed to continue on the flight. Our responsibility for ensuring all customers feel safe and comfortable with Delta includes requiring civil behavior from everyone. The behavior we see in this video does not square with our training or culture and follow up will continue so we can better ensure our employees will know they will be fully supported to make the right decisions when these issues arise."
Customers said the apology wasn’t enough and so Delta CEO Ed Bastian took it one very large step further and not onlybanned the man from ever flying Delta again but offered everyone onboard a full refund:
"This individual displayed behavior that was loud, rude and disrespectful to his fellow customers. After questioning the customer, our team members made the best decision they could given the information they had and allowed him to remain on the flight. However, if our colleagues had witnessed firsthand what was shown in the video, there is no question they would have removed him from the aircraft…"The heightened tension in our society means that now more than ever we must require civility on our planes and in our facilities. We must stay true to Delta's core values and treat one another with dignity and respect."
Removing an unruly passenger from a flight is a no-brainer, but banning someone for life for being obnoxious is a new one on us. And refunding all passengers their ticket price? Has any airline done that for those flights that faced a violent threat to flight attendants, other passengers, or the cockpit? This could be a first.
Buckle up, Trump supporters, this is going to be a bumpy ride.