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29, 2016 / 28 Heshvan 5777
Yishai Fleisher Show
& First Jewish Land Purchase First, on Spiritual
Cafe: Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Yishai to discuss Father Abraham's romantic notion
to bury his beloved wife Sarah at the entrance to the Garden of Eden. This leads
him to make the first Jewish land purchase in the Land of Israel - in Hebron!!
Then, Malkah Fleisher joins Yishai to talk about Elor Azaria - the soldier who
shot a downed terrorist in Hebron - and who is now on trial for defending
more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles
Soldier’s Mother: Why Can’t You Understand? A Soldier's
Mother Paula Stern How can you possibly understand the horror of
watching your land burn? It is an open wound you don't forget for a moment, a
thought that stays in your mind as you go about your day.
Rabbi and the Court Abu Yehuda Vic Rosenthal The Left, having been
emasculated at the ballot box, now uses the Court to achieve its aims and it is
attempting to do so again with the appointment of Rabbi Karim to the post of IDF
Chief Rabbi
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