The New Under Ground Church-THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Watch: Is Congress About To Pass A Bill That Could Usher In World War III?
Watch: Is Congress About To Pass A Bill That Could Usher In World War III?
Video: Cops Seize Innocent Family’s Life Savings Using Civil Asset Forfeiture Racket
A California family is the latest victim of the government racket known as civil asset forfeiture, and theirs is a particularly disturbing case.
Hackers Take A Million Homes Offline in Attack: “Internet, Telephone, TV Outage”
If hackers turn against you, your connection to the outside world can be dismantled in a matter of seconds.
2016 Ultimate Christmas Shopping Guide For Preppers
Many of you are starting to make wishlists for some favorite products to add to your prepping supplies and we’d love to help you out with that.
Keep a razor sharp Samurai sword on your keychain with the Pocket Samurai Titanium Keychain Knife!
Bio Warfare? "Like 150 Bombs Going Off": 6 Dead and 8500 Hospitalized in Australia Due to "Rare Thunderstorm Asthma"
The official story on this just
totally made up.
Yikes: Ten Radical Ways the Lawless Left Plans to Put Hillary Clinton into the White House on Jan 20
Right now, the radical left is working to overthrow the Trump election victory and install Hillary in the White House by any means necessary.
Coverup? How Did One of the OSU Terror Attack Victims Get Shot by an Attacker Armed Only with a Knife?
It’s strange to watch a mainstream media story on a possible terror attack evolve.
Venezuela Braces for Runaway Inflation As Merchants Weigh “Mountains of Cash” Instead Of Counting It
Is this America's future?
53 Years After JFK Assassination and CIA Admits this Conspiracy THEORY is Actually FACT
As the corporate media remembers JFK, you can rest assured that they will most certainly avoid any mention of this report.
Protection from biological weapons, nuclear threats and chemical warfare...
What a Cluster: Jill Stein Now Suing both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to Force Hand Recounts
The End Of Empires: Rome Vs. America: “The Populace Is Just As Stultified And Easily Distracted Now As It Was Then”
So... How Much Does The FBI Really Know About You?
5 Lifesaving Security Measures to Secure Your Home From Intruders
The Step-By-Step Guide To Prepare For Any Disaster
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