NYT Journalist Dismisses 'Americo-Centric View" of Castro
The Castro that I grew up knowing... fought the South African apartheid regime the US was propping up."
It's no secret that The New York Times is the preeminent organ of leftist propaganda in the mainstream media, and despite its post-election soul-searching and promise to be more neutral, NYT journalist Helene Cooper told a Meet The Press panel Sunday that America has too much of an "Americo-centric view" of Cuba and dead tyrant Fidel Castro
As Newsbusters reports, President Obama's statement in the wake of Castro's death perplexed the show's host Chuck Todd, who asked Cooper “Why was it so positive?”
Cooper said that most Americans have “a very Americo-centric view of Cuba” in which Castro is “the, you know, satanic demon”:
“But I think what President Obama’s statement reflects is that nobody in the rest of the world sort of agrees with you... The Castro that I grew up knowing as a child growing up in Liberia was a Castro who fought the South African apartheid regime that the United States was propping up. It was a Castro that sent Cuban soldiers into Angola and helped to bring down apartheid South Africa. And so there's a lot of, there’s a lot of ambivalence when you look at Fidel Castro that’s usually not reflected here. I think what President Obama's statement was doing was reflecting that. But I know you disagree with me."
Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute jumped in to counter Cooper’s depiction of Castro as a hero: “You can't forget that he did this all on the backs of the Cuban people. This was an absolute dictatorship that crushed this island beneath their jack booted heel.” She went on to talk about the ruthlessness of the Castro brothers Fidel and Raul and to link them to other terrorist groups from around the world:
Summarily shot people for disagreeing with the Castros, for 50 years they have been -- they murdered their political opponents and supported groups like Hezbollah, Iran, Maduro and before that Chavez, the FARC, and others. Let's not forget who he is to America.
Cooper dismissed the facts, as leftists are wont to do, by saying, “Again, this is a very American-centric view of Castro.” And as we all know, leftists believe "American-centric" is wrong, end of story.