The Next DNC Chief: From One Extremist to the Next?
If not a radical Islamist, perhaps an abortion zealot will do.

The Democratic National Committee is looking to fill a void in party leadership. By all indications, the next person to lead the Party will be more extreme than the former chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. While that may be hard for most conservatives to fathom, what has become clear thus far is that Democrat elites learned absolutely nothing from this past election.
We’ve already reported that Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison launched a campaign to be the next DNC chief. Ellison is a radical racist with Islamic roots and has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The fact that he is even being considered to lead the Democrat Party is outright appalling, though somehow not surprising.
Equally appalling is another individual well known amongst Democrat supporters. Ilyse Hogue has taken steps toward jumping into the race for DNC chair by laying out her vision for the direction she thinks the party needs to go. Hogue is but another extremist — albeit on a different front. She is the current president of the rabidly pro-abortion group NARAL, which, as of 2003, is allegedly no longer an acronym for the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League. As NARAL’s leader, Hogue is one of leading voices for supporting Planned Parenthood, which the GOP would like to defund, and abolishing the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits direct taxpayer funding of abortion.
(Don’t think for a minute that funding Planned Parenthood to the tune of half a billion a year isn’t paying for some abortions.)
A recent email Hogue sent to DNC members indicates how she might lead the party: “The DNC can be not just a force every two years at election time, but also a daily presence in peoples' lives, relevant in policy discussions and responsive to ideas and concerns of people where they live.” Sounds genuine, sincere and speaks to those she intends to serve right?
All except for her last phrase, which doesn’t apply to a baby living in a mother’s womb. In her view, there are no concerns for the unborn baby. Hillary Clinton espoused such views during the campaign, and it’s about as radical as you can get. Which is exactly why this woman is another potential candidate to lead the Democrat Party.
If Hogue is selected, then it will mean that abortion on demand will be reinforced as a central plank of the Party as it moves to achieve its progressive goals. Democrats long ago took up abortion as an issue, especially by the 1970s. But the parties have become more polarized since then. The Democrat mantra was long “safe, legal and rare,” but it has since transitioned to a full embrace of abortion to be “federally funded and ubiquitous.” There’s just about no such thing any more as a pro-life Democrat.
Hogue’s radical views on abortion also indicate just how out of touch the Democrat Party is. According to a recent poll, the American public is becoming less supportive of abortion. The poll revealed that almost two-thirds of Americans support legislation that restricts abortions beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, a Knights of Columbus/Marist poll from this summer shows that 78% of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion, including limiting it to the first trimester.
Meanwhile, for a party that operates under the banner of “Black Lives Matter,” it’s worth noting that, as CNS News reports, “Although black Americans make up 13.3% of the U.S. population, they comprised 35% of the total abortions ‘reported’ — 128,682 babies killed — in 2013.” It could be higher, because many states don’t report race, and some don’t report abortions at all.
Yet Democrat Party leadership appears to be hearing none of this.
While the DNC might be considering an abortion advocate to lead their party, there is some good news, which again reveals how little Democrats pay attention to cultural shifts. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 664,435 abortions in the U.S. in 2013. While that number is extremely high, the data shows a trending decline — the rate has fallen by more than 40% since 1980. That is good news for conservatives and pro-life advocacy groups who have pushed for educating mothers to choose alternatives to abortion. It appears that more people are appreciating and valuing life. And it’s great news for the lives that have been saved.
Hogue would be a very bad choice to head the DNC. Perhaps the party will choose someone who is less extreme. But until the party leadership recognizes that there is a slow cultural shift taking place that values Life and Liberty, we can expect to see more of the same extreme positions and more extreme people to lead their party.