Mark Hamill Calls Trump Cabinet Picks 'Despicable' – Previously Pressured Son's Girlfriend Into Having Abortion
"A who’s-who of really despicable people."
Actor Mark Hamill's dark side goes beyond just calling President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet picks a " who’s-who of really despicable people," as he once pressured his son's girlfriend into aborting his grandchild in the womb.
"I’m in total denial,” Hamill told The Daily Beast. "I'm glad I have [the show] to take my mind off what’s going on. Because if you look at what’s being assembled for our government it’s like, yikes. It’s a who’s-who of really despicable people."
Hamill should really take a good look in the mirror before flippantly calling people "despicable" so he can get a firmer grasp on what that word actually means. Bullying the woman pregnant with your grandchild in hopes she'd kill the baby qualifies.
According to Maegen Chen, she became pregnant with Hamill's grandchild through his son Nathan, who immediately demanded she get an abortion. Mark Hamill and his wife Marilou strongly supported this decision, even though Maegen wanted to have the baby.
In an interview with LifeSiteNews, Chen described that after a botched abortion via pills spurred on by Nathan Hamill, Mark and Marilou stepped in to pump up the volume.
"Mark told me it was just crazy to bring a child into the world that no one wanted. No one asked me if I wanted her, but I did at that point," Chen told LifeSite.
LifeSiteNews described how the Hamills pressured her further when visiting the family in London.
"Nathan and Marilou scheduled what she thought was an ultrasound but was actually a consultation for an abortion," wrote LifeSite:
Once back in LA, she received email messages (seen by LifeSiteNews) from Marilou, who offered to pay for the abortion and sympathized with her. However, in a response to Meagan’s resistance, Marilou wrote, 'So to have a relationship with him (or not): you go with him in the am [to the abortion appointment] ... That is the only option now.' About Meagan and Nathan’s future, she says, 'With baby, you won't see him; without baby, you will.
After being told by Marilou that she was "selfish for wanting to keep the baby when she'd only have one parent," Chen ultimately decided to keep the baby, who went on to become an abortion survivor.
Mark Hamill has an estimated net worth of $6 million but preferred not to put any of it toward welcoming his own granddaughter into the world, opting instead to pay for putting it to death.
Despicable people indeed.