Wednesday, November 30, 2016

LISTEN: Audio of “Trump Pilot” Talking to Celebs on Board Plane Goes Viral
LISTEN: Audio of “Trump Pilot” Talking to Celebs on Board Plane Goes Viral
This is one spectacular audio clip! No wonder it's exploding on YouTube. This guy captured exactly how we all feel about these whining, know-nothing, America-hating celebrities. Read more...
White House Unveils Christmas Decorations - Something Hanging In Background Causes Stir
As soon as the White House opened its doors to display the Christmas decorations, many Americans were shocked by one stunning item. This is getting a lot of attention, and you'll instantly see why... Read more...
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Trump Says Flag Burning Should Be A Crime
Donald J. Trump just tweeted that those who burn a flag should either lose their citizenship or get a year in jail? Do you agree? Read more...
Elector Refuses To Cast Vote For Trump, Immediately Makes Shocking Announcement
Wow... This could have a big influence on other members of the electoral college. Read more...
WATCH: Construction Workers Drill Large Hole... What Emerged From It Sent Them Running
These construction workers didn't expect to encounter THIS when they drilled a large hole... check out the thing that emerged from it that sent them running. This would have scared the heck out of me, too... wow. Read more...
Just In: Trump Finishes Meeting With David Petraeus, Instantly Makes 2 Word Announcement
Gen. David Petraeus went to Trump Tower today to discuss his potential role in Trump's administration. The meeting went so well that Trump couldn't help making this announcement right after the meeting ended... Read more...
Dems Utterly Humiliate Themselves with Sick Message After Ohio State Stabbing
After the Ohio State University stabbing, Democrats around the country utterly humiliated themselves with THIS sick message... this proves it's all about their agenda. Now, they have a LOT of egg on their face... Read more...
Right After Ohio State Attack John Kasich Got Hit With Some Very Bad News
John Kasich was completely blindsided...
Internet Explodes After Kasich Issues SICK Statement on OSU Islamic Terror Attack
And to think this man wanted to be the GOP candidate for president. Thank God the country had enough sense to reject him. I can't even imagine saying something this sickeningly stupid after such a horrible event. Read more...
Watch: MSNBC Host Can't Resist, Bursts Out Laughing On Live TV... Hillary Will HATE Why
This MSNBC host just couldn't hold it in any longer... Read more...
BOOM: Melania Trump Drops Legal Hammer on Person Who Accused Son of Having Autism
Melania Trump isn't going to let liberals go after her son with impunity. Here's the legal hammer she just DROPPED on a person who accused her son of having autism... This individual is going to wish they NEVER said this... Read more...
Official In Charge Of The Recount Just Announced The Last Thing Dems Wanted To Hear
Democrats were hoping a recount could be their last chance to keep Donald Trump from the White House, but they just received some bad news. Read more...


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