Patriots, as we continue to stand on the front lines of the battle to restore
constitutional limits on the central government, your Patriot Post
editors and staff humbly request your support for The Patriot Fund. Since 1996, your generosity and commitment
have made it possible to offer The Patriot Post without a subscription
fee to military personnel, students and those with limited means. We continue to hold the line on our budget — it's
not going up. However, we still must raise $137,595 for our
2016 Year-End Campaign in order to meet our modest mission and operations
budget. We hope you'll consider making a donation today. From each of us here, our sincerest
thanks for your support. —Nate Jackson, Managing Editor
"Fidel Castro created hell on earth for the Cuban people. He will
now become intimately familiar with what he wrought." —Tom Cotton
"[R]eligion and virtue are the only foundations, not of
republicanism and of all free government, but of social felicity under all
government and in all the combinations of human society." —John Adams (1811)