Leftist Fantasy of Recounts Flop: Michigan Certifies Trump Win, Stein Misses PA Deadline
So pathetic are failed presidential candidates Hillary Clinton's and Jill Stein's attempts to delegitimize Donald Trump with "recounts" in three key states (Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania) that they missed Pennsylvania's deadline and Michigan just certified Trump's electoral victory.
The Hill reports that on Monday Michigan Board of Canvassers certified its 16 electoral votes to Trump in spite of the so-called pending "recount":
The results, submitted by the state's 83 county clerks, were first posted last Wednesday by Michigan's secretary of State. They showed Trump leading Hillary Clinton by more than 10,704 votes.Trump is the first Republican to carry Michigan since 1988. He swept the Rust Belt states that have traditionally trended blue in a stunning victory on Nov. 8.Green Party nominee Jill Stein has already filed for recounts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and plans a similar effort in Michigan. She has 48 hours to file for a recount in Michigan where they would need to count by hand the nearly 4.8 million votes cast. Stein has raised $6.5 million, largely through small donations.
The Washington Examiner notes that while Stein has "got the cash, the grassroots fervor and the spotlight of an adoring media" to fuel her recount efforts, she obviously doesn't own a calendar.
Stein missed Pennsylvania's deadline to file for a voter-initiated recount. That blown deadline is a huge blow for Democrats who have pinned their hopes on recounts in the Keystone State, Michigan and Wisconsin."According to Wanda Murren, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State," the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Monday, "the deadline for a voter-initiated recount was Monday, Nov. 21."
Of course the so-called recount is only an attempt by the Left to destabilize the transition of power and undermine President-elect Trump's perceived legitimacy -- but the Left can't even get that right.