Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Charlie Gard’s Uncle Pens Heartbreaking Poem After He Dies Before His 1st Birthday

Charlie Gard’s Uncle Pens Heartbreaking Poem After He Dies Before His 1st Birthday

The family of Charlie Gard is mourning the infant’s untimely death this week.
The 11-month-old British infant died Friday after his life support was removed, following a lengthy court battle between his parents and hospital. Charlie’s 1st birthday would have been Aug. 4.
Charlie suffered from a rare mitochondrial disease and brain damage. He was at the center of a massive international debate after the hospital refused to allow an experimental treatment to help him and also refused to transfer him to another hospital that would allow the treatment.
On Saturday, Charlie’s uncle Andy Gard posted an emotional poem about his late nephew on social media, according to The Sun. Andy, the brother to Chris Gard, Charlie’s father, also posted photos of himself and Charlie before he died.
He wrote, in part:
I know inside you’ll always know how much they fought for you.
But now they both need you from heaven to watch over them now too.
For I’ll never know in my own lifetime how life could be so cruel.
All I know for certain is that I’m the worlds proudest Uncle.”
While we stay in this ugly world your spirit now has freedom.
Rest assured our beloved Charlie in this fight we will not be beaten.
At the moment all we do is feel pain, feel sad we sob and cry.”
After Charlie’s death, his parents Chris Gard and Connie Yates spent the weekend mourning with their family, according to The Sun.
“We should be planning Charlie’s first birthday but instead we’re planning his funeral,” his mother said.
Charlie’s parents took their fight to numerous courts to protect his life but to no avail. The courts argued that it was in Charlie’s best interest to be removed from life support.
Earlier today, Fox News reported the family has not finalized funeral plans yet, but they did decide that he will be buried with his toy monkeys – beloved stuffed animals that he and his parents often were seen holding.
His parents were expected to register his death today, the report states.
On Friday, his parents announced Charlie’s death, saying, “Our beautiful little boy has gone, we are so proud of you Charlie.”
On July 24, Connie Yates and Chris Gard decided to end the legal battle to get their son experimental treatment. Based on new evidence, the couple said Charlie’s condition had deteriorated too much and there no longer was any hope of the experimental treatment working.
Their final request to a judge last week was to be allowed to take Charlie home to die. However, on Thursday, a judge ruled that Charlie would be moved to hospice and his life support would be removed. The baby boy was not allowed to go home, as his parents wished.
On Friday, the news broke that Charlie had died after his life support was removed.Leading pro-life advocates mourned Charlie’s death — saying it is a very concerning harbinger of things to come.
Charlie’s parents plan to start a foundation to help children with genetic disorders using the money they raised for their son’s experimental treatment and legal costs. The family said they want to ensure that Charlie’s voice “continues to be heard.”
Despite all of his problems, Charlie’s parents – and millions like them – believe that Charlie is a valuable, living human being who should be given a chance to live.
Leading pro-life advocates helped Charlie’s parents fight for his life. Pope Francis and President Donald Trump also expressed support for the sick infant.
Charlie’s parents brought Terri Schiavo’s brother Bobby Schindler to London to help them fight for care for their son. Schindler spoke with LifeNews exclusively about their invitation.
Schindler told LifeNews: “The critical issue here is not a political one, but the simple notion that families know what is best for their loved ones.
“Charlie’s situation is very reminiscent of my family’s battle to save my sister, Terri. Hopefully being here can help his parents, Connie and Charlie, deal with the day-to-day emotional roller coaster, as they fight for their son’s right to live,” Schindler added.

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