Jaime Glazov Moment: “Annihilate” Jews! A Cali Imam’s Call to Muslims.
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Since many devout Muslims are mostly mighty miserable and value death more than life and who can blame them with a ghastly religion like that, the Californian Imam seems to be devoutly following along the destructive path his wretched hadith lead him.
..... .... but his misery and desperation are apparent......
All of this kind of cursing will not ever harm the spirit of true kindness and decency and love for all. That will never die.
My name comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My partner comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My children's name comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My daily lanque comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My faith comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My values comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My norms comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
I go on holiday in MAROKKO / TURKIJE
I will be buried in MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My country is MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My money comes from BELGIUM
In discussions about integration ME BELG YOU RACIST!
Greetings from a native in the ghetto Antwerpistan, Belgistan, EUROSTAN
"There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. Of course not all of them are radicals. The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15-25% according to all intelligence services around the world.
"That leaves 75% of [Muslims being] peaceful people. But when you look at 15-25% of the world's Muslim population, you're looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization. That is as big as the United States," said Gabriel.
"So why should we worry about the radical 15-25%? Because it is the radicals that kill. Because it is the radicals that behead and massacre," Gabriel said.
"When you look throughout history, at the lessons of history, most Germans were peaceful. Yet the Nazis drove the agenda. And as a result, 60 million people died, almost 40 million in concentration camps. 6 million were Jews. The peaceful majority were irrelevant," Gabriel said.
"When you look at Russia, most Russians were peaceful as well. But the Russians were able to kill 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
"When you look at China for example, most Chinese were peaceful as well. Yet the Chinese were able to kill 70 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
"When you look at Japan prior to World War II, most Japanese were peaceful people too. Yet, Japan was able to butcher its way across Southeast Asia, killing 12 million people, mostly killed by bayonets and shovels. The peaceful majority were irrelevant," Gabriel said.
"On September 11th in the United States we had 2.3 million Arab Muslims living in the United States. It took 19 hijackers - 19 radicals - to bring America to its knees, destroy the World Trade Center, attack the Pentagon and kill almost 3000 Americans that day," Gabriel said.
"So for all our power of reason, and for all us talking about moderate and peaceful Muslims, I'm glad you're here.
God (the REAL AND ONLY ONE) is a God of LOVE not murder and hate and violence!
Liberals are silent because they hate Jews just as much!