Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Jamie Glazov Moment: “Annihilate” Jews! A Cali Imam’s Call to Muslims.

Published on Jul 28, 2017

Jaime Glazov Moment: “Annihilate” Jews! A Cali Imam’s Call to Muslims.
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Harry Hathaway 
This is absolutely laughable the Jews have been kicking the Muslims ass for a hundred thousand years
Maximilian Jehuda Ewert 
sure, besides that thousand of years there was no Islam, Judaism has not even 6000 years, 100000 years ago the neanderthals had been the dominant species.Personally I always thought of Muslims like homo sapiens, like me - but if you insist to be a neanderthal....
Maximilian Jehuda Ewert 
2017 we are 14 million, so we are 0,8% of the muslim population strength.And islam is two times the biggest growing religion - from newcomers fast growing and also highest rate of people leaving Islam.
winnie wildflower 
Many Muslims believe in the coming of the 12th Imam who is coming to redeem them (and gawd knows they need redemption). But as far as i can tell this "holy" dude wont show until there's lots and lots of chaos and Israel is destroyed.
Since many devout Muslims are mostly mighty miserable and value death more than life and who can blame them with a ghastly religion like that, the Californian Imam seems to be devoutly following along the destructive path his wretched hadith lead him.
..... .... but his misery and desperation are apparent......

All of this kind of cursing will not ever harm the spirit of true kindness and decency and love for all. That will never die.
Boris Z 
winnie wildflower like "creative chaos" that we are trying to fix now?
MR.V Tech 
"WE" are not listening ⚰⚰⚰ ISLAM🦂 tells us their EXACT truth DIRECTLY written in plain form !! The Qur'an is written in Absolute SUPREMACY🗡 - WE CAN'T HANDEL THE TRUTH 💀💀 ISLAM = FILTH
Linda Bostoen 
Here in Europe, when we say anything about this kind of speeches, WE ARE ACUSED OF HATE SPEECH!

My name comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My partner comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My children's name comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My daily lanque comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My faith comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My values comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My norms comes from MAROKKO / TURKIJE
I go on holiday in MAROKKO / TURKIJE
I will be buried in MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My country is MAROKKO / TURKIJE
My money comes from BELGIUM
In discussions about integration ME BELG YOU RACIST!

Greetings from a native in the ghetto Antwerpistan, Belgistan, EUROSTAN 
Josephine Murphy 
linda bostoen ,we all have to start tell it like it is they (our cowardly governments )cant get us all we are being too passive ...I would love a few tommy Robinsons in every country ,this man will go down in history
linda clark 
Jesus blessings with you Jamie! Thanks!
The Glazov Gang 
thank you Linda.
linda clark 
Qur'an commands it! Also the killing of Christians. When will our GOVERNMENT realise the VILE HATRED of Islam. A vote was put to the Congress about studying the ideoogy of Islam, and it was voted down! Our GOV MUST understand that Islam itself NEEDS TO GO AWAY!
Anthony Tiny Head 
Excuse me, whose idea was it to let these genocidal barbarians into civilization?
jay don 
s. But since you brought it up, allow me to elaborate with my answer.

"There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. Of course not all of them are radicals. The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15-25% according to all intelligence services around the world.

"That leaves 75% of [Muslims being] peaceful people. But when you look at 15-25% of the world's Muslim population, you're looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization. That is as big as the United States," said Gabriel.

"So why should we worry about the radical 15-25%? Because it is the radicals that kill. Because it is the radicals that behead and massacre," Gabriel said.

"When you look throughout history, at the lessons of history, most Germans were peaceful. Yet the Nazis drove the agenda. And as a result, 60 million people died, almost 40 million in concentration camps. 6 million were Jews. The peaceful majority were irrelevant," Gabriel said.

"When you look at Russia, most Russians were peaceful as well. But the Russians were able to kill 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.

"When you look at China for example, most Chinese were peaceful as well. Yet the Chinese were able to kill 70 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.

"When you look at Japan prior to World War II, most Japanese were peaceful people too. Yet, Japan was able to butcher its way across Southeast Asia, killing 12 million people, mostly killed by bayonets and shovels. The peaceful majority were irrelevant," Gabriel said.

"On September 11th in the United States we had 2.3 million Arab Muslims living in the United States. It took 19 hijackers - 19 radicals - to bring America to its knees, destroy the World Trade Center, attack the Pentagon and kill almost 3000 Americans that day," Gabriel said.

"So for all our power of reason, and for all us talking about moderate and peaceful Muslims, I'm glad you're here.
Virgil Hanson 
I like it when he cries like a little bitch he wants to kill Jews so bad! Why are we letting so many of these Nazi Muslims into our country!? Isn't it bad enough the Middle east has been ruined by this religion, we need to give it a shot at the West too? It's funny that apologists like Reza Aslan and Dean Obeidallah resent Trumps Muslim ban; this is why, your filthy Nazi religion is why Reza, Dean. OK?!
Michael Petek 
This is why nothing the Israelis do to Palestinians could possibly be unjust.
Schlomo Bagelbaum 
Yes, yes, yes, this is all well and good, but when's Tommi Trudeau coming back?
The Glazov Gang 
good question
My Lord and my God 
And, what is your head of the States saying on all this???
Lady Lone Star USA 
This kind of hate makes me ill. Thank you Jaime for bringing this to light, however, I don't care to have to listen to the entire junk speech....pure evil! "Prayer"? To the DEVIL!
God (the REAL AND ONLY ONE) is a God of LOVE not murder and hate and violence!
The awesome TUFF GONG duppy conqueror 
so let's see who kills who first...i am ready to meet them 24/7...i not not joking around here....my guns and granites are waiting for them mukrats.......the media and all the fucked up leftist makes wanna kill them way more than killing the ratz...Its high time to take the law into our own hands now America ,no one cares and no one will help us and you all know that... 👨🔫👊👳🔫👊✊✊
Amar Bohara 
Americans have abandoned God therefore soon America will fall.
I had to silence it at 5:16 onward, as his voice got higher and louder. This wicked man is demon possessed/influenced. Of that, I have no doubt.

Liberals are silent because they hate Jews just as much!
Star Dust 
Louis Farrakhan for years call all whites pigs and monkeys and we all need to die, he also said the same about police
Masrurul Hoque 
3 Jewish Rabbis Say Islam Is The Truth
Star Dust 
Víctor Andrés Piña González 
A I like to say, the Golems has turned against its masters, again.

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