Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
The EU’s Fateful Choice: Fortress Europe or Chaos and Collapse
Massive Third World migration to Europe will continue so long as Islamic jihad activity and overpopulation threaten the migrants’ countries of origin. Europe has to choose between its much cherished ideals and plain survival.

Supported by Islamic regimes and major terrorist organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood — both of whom aim to create a strong base for the global jihad (i.e., holy war) — Islamic jihadists are threatening millions of lives in the developing world. With too few safe zones in their own regions, lured by Europe’s promise of free transport across the Mediterranean and promise of asylum with social benefits, many individuals are ready to give up everything, place their family’s fortune in the hands of cruel human smugglers, and leave their women, children, and elderly in poverty and danger back home, in order to embark on a long and often life-threatening journey to the West.
Africa’s population will double the next 40 years. Islamic countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan, plus many others, continue to experience soaring population growth. Fights over clean water, land for crops or pasture, and other vital resources will be endless. There is no end in sight for the conflicts that already drive these mass migrations.
A difficult choice?
European voters need to realize that — so long as we encourage this by not stopping them — millions of migrants will continue heading toward the EU. Neat signs along the road and a polite “no entry” warning will not halt the flow of desperate migrants, many of whom have valid reasons to leave their own countries — despite having no legal claim to be a “refugee” who is validly seeking political or humanitarian asylum.
Soon it will dawn upon the Europeans how misallocated compassion and lack of foresight have left them with only two choices: We can either let the continent be overrun, thereby martyring ourselves for our much cherished liberal values; or safeguard our perimeter with the necessary means. Chaos and collapse, or bloody borders. The first scenario is already unfolding in France and Sweden, two countries with a longstanding tradition of Muslim immigration and openness to Islam. For three straight years, France has been in state of emergency, and experts are openly talking about civil war in Sweden. More Western European countries will follow, as all of them believe they should allow refugees, unlimited immigration, and family reunification from the Islamic world.
The second option also is not pretty: endless lines of barbed wire, swarms of drones patrolling Europe’s long outer borders, and armed border control with orders to shoot to kill if necessary. If we let in just one, millions will feel encouraged to follow their example. By letting them in we can help a few million for a while, but it will destroy us forever.
Vetting migrants adequately is so difficult that it is practically impossible, especially with such massive influxes of people. Whoever promotes these policies should at least make sure that the applicant pays all expenses and posts a large performance bond (assuring long term compliance with local laws as a condition of citizenship).
Over time, the seriousness of this situation will reawaken European voters. Their slumbering survival instinct will oblige them to choose the latter. Much pain can be avoided if we act now.
The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can start looking for long term win-win solutions. Ones that help people in real need and, at the same time, protect the future of our children and our culture, which has benefited the world in so many valuable ways.
Three great win-win solutions
Cutting the…
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