Woman Who Thought She Was Aborting Her 35-Week-Old Baby Finds He Was Sold to Her Cousin
Almost too strange to believe, a nurse in China has been convicted of rescuing and later selling a baby whose mother thought doctors had aborted.
The Daily Mail reports 18-year-old Lili from Inner Mongolia had an abortion when she was 35 weeks pregnant in 2013.
It is unclear why Lili had the abortion or waited so long. China prohibits families from having more than two children. Sometimes women are forced or coerced to abort their unborn babies in China if they break the law. Being so young, Lili may have been unmarried. Unmarried women in China who become pregnant also can be penalized with heavy fines and often face social stigma.
Lili said she was told the abortion succeeded, but she learned otherwise three days later when police contacted her.
According to police, Liang Xiaohua, a maternity nurse, noticed that Lili’s baby still was alive after the abortion. The nurse said she pulled the baby out of a plastic disposal bag when she heard it crying. She rescued the baby by giving it oxygen and water and hiding it in a cupboard, according to the report. The baby’s sex is not mentioned.
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Here’s more from the report:
The nurse was overheard calling someone and asking if they wanted a child and telling them that she did not know if it was a boy or a girl.She sold it to her cousin who took the child to her home.Local villagers became suspicious of the cousin and informed police of the baby.Some three days later, Lili found out that the baby had not died during the abortion and that the child had been sold.
Liang Xiaohua later was arrested and convicted of child abduction. A judge sentenced her to two years in prison, the report states. Lili requested 1.1 million yuan (about $163,000) in compensation, but courts did not grant her request. The court case settled in May, according to the report.
Abortion claims the lives of about 9 million unborn babies in China every year. The Asian country has the highest abortion rate in the world. Because of the country’s oppressive population control laws, some women are forced to abort their unborn babies or threatened with heavy fines and job loss for their entire families.
Unborn baby girls particularly are targeted. According to current population data, there are 34 million more men than women in China. Experts say this is largely due to sex-selection abortions.
In October, the BBC reported how one family went into hiding to protect their third child from being forcibly aborted. Government officials also admitted to frequently visiting pregnant women’s homes and pressuring them to abort their unborn babies.
LifeNews Note: File photo.