Lauer to Flake: Surely You Wish Hillary Had Won
"For the sake of protecting democracy..."
Wednesday, during retired Republican Jeff Flake’s appearance on NBC’s Today, co-host Matt Lauer served up a jaw-droppingly partisan question: “For the sake of democracy,” didn’t the former Arizona Senator think it would have been better if Hillary Clinton had won?
Lauer pressed the issue for what he claimed to be the testing of Flake’s “newfound freedom,” as if anyone relinquished of occupational allegiance to the GOP would acknowledge the overwhelming superiority of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. He maintained that the virtuous Clinton would have saved America — and the world — from that nightmare of nightmares for the Left, President Trump:
“Let me test your newfound freedom for a second. I know you disagree with her on just about every major policy issue facing this country, but in terms of protecting democracy, protecting respect for the Office of the Presidency, and protecting our image abroad, is it possible in your mind to consider that it would have been better if Hillary Clinton had won this election?”
Because, you know, sometimes it makes sense to vote for someone with whom you disagree on "every major policy issue" just so respect of the office is maintained. Principles be damned! According to Lauer's insular view, what should matter most to Americans isn't policy; what matters is that the Democrats win. And in his quest for the victory of Flake's concession, he repeated:
“Would it have been better if she had won this election?”
Flake appeared uncomfortable with the question: “I didn’t vote for this president last November. I didn’t vote for…Secretary Clinton, either.”
Left-wing Lauer condescended, “Second thoughts on that?”
The media elites subsist in a leftist bubble, unable to comprehend that there are differing views — including conservative ones — that comprise our country. As it has been put before, America isn’t New York and LA; it’s everything in between. But to the Left, diversity of thought is inconceivable; therefore, any clear-thinking person would naturally yearn for the stellar leadership of Hillary Rodham Clinton. In Lauer's mind, the recognition of Hillary's greatness is a test of intellectual freedom; little does he know, it's merely proof that he's a dolt.