Thursday, November 30, 2017

As Promised, 150 Fired at ESPN

Dying slowly.

As was promised just days ago, ESPN employees were sent packing as the sports-turned-politics network’s ratings continue fumbling. Though the initial figures said between 60 and 100 employees, the actual number was 150. The grand total for this year is now 250, according to Fox News.
In 2015, ESPN fired 300 employees. Letting 150 more go this year will net the company at least $80+ million in salaries, but nowhere near what it needs to stop the bleeding. ESPN is in the tank for $1 billion thanks to people cutting the cord in lieu of streaming, with estimated losses at 13 million subscriptions over the last six years, and the exhaustive political opinions broadcast daily. 
The mass terminations affects “studio production, digital content, and technology,” accorded to network chief John Skipper, who announced the layoffs on Wednesday.
"We appreciate their contributions, and will assist them as much as possible in this difficult moment with severance, a 2017 bonus, the continuation of health benefits and outplacement services,” he said.
Skipper is looking for a new game plan in order “to serve the modern sports fan and support the success of our business.”
Here’s an idea: start talking about sports again and stop praising the kneeling cowards. It’s the business model that worked up until now!

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