Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jim Carrey: GOP is 'a Gangrene We Must Remove So Democracy Can Live'

“The GOP and WH have become sinister conclaves of souless traitors, liars and thieves."

As so many big Hollywood names (and unknowns too) do these days, comedian Jim Carrey took to Twitter today to condemn President Donald Trump’s administration and Republican lawmakers in general as “souless traitors” who need to be removed from office “so democracy can live.”
“The GOP and WH have become sinister conclaves of souless traitors, liars and thieves – a gangrene we must remove so democracy can live,” Carrey declared on Twitter, accompanied by the hashtag “#killthebill,” according to Breitbart.
Wow. Move over, Van Gogh, there's a new painterly genius in town.
While "sinister conclaves of souless [sic] traitors, liars and thieves" is a more literate turn of phrase than the juvenile, profanity-laden insults that usually flow out of Hollywood, the message is ironic because it is the Democrat party that consists of soulless traitors, liars, and thieves. It is the Democrat party that must be removed so that democracy can live, because the Democrat party has become the party of radical progressives determined to destroy America and attempt to rebuild it as a Communist utopia.
In any case, Carrey didn’t specify which bill he wants to kill. As Breitbart points out, "the Trump White House and Congressional Republicans are currently scrambling to push through tax reform, a budget, Immigration, and healthcare reform." Carrey's probably opposed to all.
Enjoy more of Carrey's artwork below, such as this tweet depicting a childishly-sketched Trump with fangs and (presumably) blood on his mouth:
Move over, Michelangelo.
In this tweet, accompanied by the kind of classy artistic genius one would expect from the star of the Dumb and Dumber franchise, the politically insightful Carrey calls President Trump a “stooge” of Russian President Vladimir Putin and depicts him kissing Putin's butt:
“They bailed him out, set him up and made him their stooge. With Trump in the WH, Putin may win the 3rd World War without firing a shot. #PuckerUpPOTUS.”
Move over, da Vinci.

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