Thursday, November 30, 2017

Joy Behar Claims Hillary Won Election, Meghan McCain Responds With Smackdown

"But she did win. She did win. And I won’t give that up."

On Tuesday’s edition of The View, Joy Behar made a wacky declaration about the 2016 presidential race. Spring-boarding off mention of Esquire’s recent interview of John McCain, the Trump-hating 20-year-host of the program claimed that Hillary Clinton actually won the election.
Senator McCain’s daughter — the show's current token conservative (The View always maintains a wholly unrepresentative ratio of left-wingers to conservatives on its panel) — was quick to correct Behar with smoking directness.
Joy’s comment followed a reference to Senator McCain’s contention that Hillary shouldn’t have written (the yammering drivel) What Happened so soon after the election. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg explained:
“We love John McCain. We do. He sat down for an interview with Esquire, and he would like Hillary Clinton to hush because, he says, he felt it was a mistake for her to write a book so soon after she lost; and that he learned after his loss that the hardest thing to do is just shut up. Now, is he right?”
Joy couldn’t contain herself. She turned to Meghan McCain:
“With all due respect to your father, and whom I like very much, I think he’s wrong. I think a woman’s place is in the resistance, and the woman won the election.”
Of course, the left-wing audience went nuts with cheers.
Former Today correspondent, co-host Sara Haines, chimed in with a tempered perspective on Hillary’s rush to release her dirge of a memoir:
“What I think I could get onboard with is, if she wrote it, got it out, but maybe waited to release it so it becomes more historical. ’Cause I think the optics of looking at someone that’s lost, whether you agree with them — and I voted for her — or not, it looks bad when you did not win, and you’re already at the gates talking.”
Once again, the notion that Hillary lost electrified Behar, who demanded like a petulant child:
“But she did win. She did win. And I won’t give that up.”
Meghan corrected her with swift authority:
“She didn’t win.”
“Well, she won the popular vote,” mediated lawyer Sunny Hostin.
“She won the popular vote, but we don’t elect presidents in America with the popular vote," Meghan clarified.
Behar wouldn't let go of her deep, inner-leftist, great hope:
“I get that; I get that, but the numbers are still there.”
Meghan dropped the hammer.
McCain: Does that make you feel good at night, like, when you’re so angry about Trump, does that make you feel better, because if I were you, it would not make me feel better.
Behar: No, it does not. It doesn’t.
Hostin: Well, it makes me feel better.
McCain: The electoral college, you live and die by. And I will say, losing the presidency is a unique experience.
Behar: I know my civics, Meg.
And then, Meghan McCain took it to the hoop:
McCain: Oh, because you’ve experienced losing, running for president? You know what it feels like on election night, Joy????
Behar: Listen, I was hit -- I had a black veil on the night he won.
Expertly, Meghan McCain described to the world of whiny leftists the preferable alternative to writing a book blaming everybody but oneself for a massive personal failure:
“On our election night, we prayed, and then my father told me to buck up, and we’re the most blessed people in the world, and then he didn’t complain about it. We as a family recognized President Obama as the phenomenon that he was, and whether or not you like it, President Trump is a populist phenomenon in a completely different way. And if I were you, and I’m part of the resistance, I would look forward to new leadership."
And that is how it's done.
“I am," Behar conceded.
Then, via Sunny Westin, the show returned to goofiness:
"I just want to say very clearly: I feel better that she won the popular vote, because that tells me the majority of Americans understand that racism is wrong, that otherism is wrong, and that a woman can lead. So that makes me feel more comfortable."
Obviously, Hostin could use a refresher on the election: Hillary Clinton received a "yes" from 26% of the country's registered voters; that's a far cry from half, let alone a majority. For Hostin, and for most of the hosts on The View, "otherism" might apply to how they view conservatives, who are not, as Hostin suggests, defined by racism. Fortunately, in 2016, those "others" -- unlike Joy Behar and despite her greatest wish -- picked a winner.

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