Declares 'Complicit' Word of the Year, Media Elated
8 made an announcement Monday: it’s 2017 Word of the Year is “complicit.” As support for its choice, the online reference cited left-wing accusations cast upon Trump supporters, implicating them in hate, racism, or both. The website’s pick energized major media outlets who were giddy over what they felt was a profound marking of the era of Trump. explained:
“The word complicit has sprung up in conversations this year about those who speak out against powerful figures and institutions and about those who stay silent.”
The site was particularly focused on Ivanka Trump, whom the Left excoriated for her “complicity” in the evil presidency of Donald J. Trump:
“The first spike in searches for complicit was on March 12, with a 10,000% increase in daily average lookups. This was the day after Saturday Night Live aired their satirical ad featuring Scarlett Johansson playing Ivanka Trump, hawking a perfume called Complicit. This scent was marketed as “The fragrance for the woman who could stop all this, but won’t.”
Apparently, Ivanka was responsible for not only the first sharp rise in internet searches for the word, but also the biggest:
“The largest increase in lookups for complicit this year (up over 11,000%) was on April 5. This time, the spike followed an interview with the real Ivanka Trump in which she attempted to redefine complicit. When asked by CBS This Morning’s Gayle King about accusations that she and her husband Jared Kushner are complicit in the actions of her father, Ivanka Trump responded: 'If being complicit is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact, then I’m complicit.'
Performing like a loyal mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, other examples of complicit given by the online dictionary were the EPA’s Scott Pruitt being “complicit in his refusal to acknowledge that humans play a primary role in climate change,” and Donald Trump “[showing] his complicity with ideologies that promote hate.” The latter was in reference to the aftermath of the Charlottesville tragedy.
It’s worth pointing out that the site did also note social media being “complicit in the propagation of propaganda, fake news, and disinformation” leading up to the 2016 election. However, most of the .com’s examples of the word lay -- pathetically -- solidly in leftist endorsement:
“We saw an estimated five million people participate in the the worldwide Women’s March on January 21. We saw NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s 2016 protest against systemic injustices gain even more traction in response to President Trump calling for players who kneel during the National Anthem to be fired or suspended....We saw high-profile resignations from the Trump Administration, perhaps most memorably from the Arts Council, who submitted their letter of resignation in the form of an acrostic spelling of the word RESIST.”
In celebration of the award, The Washington Post, in its Monday edition, gleamed, “And according to the dictionary, complicity — or in some cases, the refusal to be complicit — was pertinent to some of the biggest news topics of the year," followed by a list of Trump's top critics.
On MSNBC Tuesday, Stephanie Ruhle had a lot to say about 2017’s big winner:
“ is out with its word of the year. We’ve heard it a lot this year: Complicit.”
The broadcast then gave examples of the word’s use, including Senator Jeff Flake saying, “And so, Mr. President, I will not be complicit.” Co-host Ali Velshi added:
“That’s fun. It means choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others. The folks at say they chose the word in honor of people who refused to be complicit this year, including the women who spoke up about sexual harassment and NFL player Colin Kaepernick, who protested racial injustice.”
Velshi forgot to point out that the "racial injustice" Kaepernic protested doesn'texist. Continuing the leftist diatribe, Ruhle responded:
“Ivanka Trump, I believe she has it in her bio on Twitter…that she is a champion for the advancement of women and girls. In June, she put out a tweet saying she stood with the LGBT community…And I remind you, just last night in those remarks that Roy Moore gave in Alabama, he was speaking out against the LGBT community, saying there was no such thing as transgender rights. President Trump supports Roy Moore. So complicit is when you stand next to somebody who goes against something you say you fight for.”
How did Donald Trump, or Roy Moore — who has not admitted to any wrongdoing — “go against” the support of women?
They didn’t. But that’s the narrative of MSNBC. And The Washington Post. And, whose 2015 and 2016 Words of the Year were “xenophobia” and “identity," respectively. When it comes to pushing a leftist agenda, they’re all complicit.