Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Newsweek accuses Fox News, “right-wing media” of using immigrants to stoke fears about terrorism
Six Middle Eastern men who were arrested in Arizona after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in 2015 and were cited by right-wing blogs and news outlets to stoke terrorism fears and promote the need for tougher border control were actually victims, not terrorists.
By all indication, these men turned out to be victims, but there was and is nevertheless ample reason for caution and even alarm regarding jihadis infiltrating the refugee stream; the rhetoric in the article below accusing Fox News and “right wing” media of victimizing immigrants and stoking “fear” does nothing to serve the interests of homeland security.
Every immigrant should be properly and thoroughly checked out, given the reality of jihad attacks globally and the fact that America is at war with Islamic terrorism.
It takes but a glance at Europe to see the catastrophic infiltration of their once-peaceful societies: Sweden is on the verge of civil war, with violent no-go-zones in which people are terrified to leave their homes; police are also fearful on the job. The Muslim migrant-induced rise in crime, jihad attacks and ongoing threats by the Islamic State have Europe in general in a state of siege.
The article below protects a handful of immigrants at the expense of society as a whole society. It matters little to Newsweek, apparently, that scores of infidels and apostates are murdered and/or assaulted daily by jihadis and Islamic supremacists. The ongoing tactic of the far left and those who continue to undermine the social order in the West is to pressure Fox News and other media outlets — which they refer to as “alt-right” — to “shut up for the good of diversity” at any cost.
Diversity is not recognized among Islamic supremacists. In their world, it is the House of Islam versus the House of War, period. Meanwhile, social justice warriors continuously ignore the fact that everyone should be concerned about jihad and sharia, not just white people, who are routinely and unfairly targeted by smear campaigns and false charges of racism and “Islamophobia.”
“Fox News and Right-Wing Media Wrongly Used Six Middle Eastern Immigrants to Stoke Terrorism Fears,” by Ryan Sit, Newsweek, November 27, 2017:
Six Middle Eastern men who were arrested in Arizona after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in 2015 and were cited by right-wing blogs and news outlets to stoke terrorism fears and promote the need for tougher border control were actually victims, not terrorists.Records obtained recently by the Associated Press show that the FBI had quickly cleared the men, five Pakistanis and one Afghan, of any terror-related suspicion after their November, 2015 arrest 15 miles north of the border. But that didn’t stop Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey or right-wing news outlets from exploiting the incident to raise the specter of terror, a fear made fresh by the Paris attacks that occurred just days earlier.Three days after the men were taken into custody, Ducey issued a statement calling the incident “very troubling, especially in light of new threats on the United States from ISIS in a video released in just the last 24 hours.” But federal authorities were not saying the same thing because, indeed, the men had been cleared.Not only that, the Associated Press discovered, the men were victims themselves of brutal human traffickers. The Afghan told Border Patrol agents that he had traveled for seven months to reach U.S. soil. He trekked through at least 10 countries before making it into Arizona before tripping a sensor and being arrested.“He was detained for weeks in Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico and paid nearly $15,000 in smuggling fees along the way,” the AP reported.The men told authorities the smugglers threw rocks at them if they walked too slowly and threatened to leave on man who injured his ankle. Another man paid the smugglers to walk slower. They spent days walking through a desert after running out of water in the first day, then navigated snowy mountainous regions without jackets.The six men all cooperated with authorities and became witnesses in the cases against their two Mexican smugglers. When interviewed independently, they all gave similar accounts of verbal physical abuse by the smugglers.Those men, Ernesto Dorame-Gonzalez and Martin Lopez-Alvarado, later pleaded guilty to smuggling charges, thanks to help from the undocumented immigrants.Still, the arrest of the six Middle Eastern men made its rounds through right-wing blogs like Breitbart.com before major outlets picked it up.Fox News acknowledged that the men posed no threat of terrorism, though that didn’t stop the network from raising a general concern about border security. Under the headline, “Testing the gates? Syrians nabbed south of the border, Arizona arrests stoke terror fears,” Fox combined its coverage of the Arizona border crossing with an unrelated incident later that week of two Syrian refugee families who arrived at the U.S. border seeking asylum. The article said the incidents raised “concerns that Islamic State militants could be probing security.”…