Black Lives Matter: Boycott White Businesses for ‘BlackXMas’
They’re dreaming of a blacks-only Christmas.
If you were thinking of spending money at white businesses this Christmas season, don’t. Thus sayeth Black Lives Matter.
The domestic terrorist organization, which can’t stop burning down black businesses, has called for a boycott of white-owned companies in its latest campaign “Black Xmas” to urge everyone to “buy black:”
The Los Angeles BLM chapter hopes “white capitalism” fails, adding that it would be “icing” on the cake:
Cal State Professor Melina Abdullah is “dreaming of a #BlackXmas:”
The Blaze host Lawrence Jones was on Fox News and said this ridiculous campaign is all about politics, not actually helping the black economy:
“Look, I’m all for investing in my community — that means black businesses, black banks — but that’s not what Black Lives Matter is doing. I was there in Ferguson when they burnt down black businesses. I’ve been involved in the movement where they support the Democratic Party which targets small black businesses and black banks. So, this is more of a political agenda, not really trying to benefit the community.”
“This is an anti-white message,” Jones added. “You might as well call it a racist message.”
Jones said there are “plenty of days during the year” when BLM could be investing in the black community to make it better, but refuse and added, this is a “stunt as a part of the resistance.”
“Historically, Black Lives Matter has not been supportive of those businesses,” Jones continued. “As a matter of fact, they continue to support the Democratic Party which makes policies harsh and worse for black small businesses.”
BLM’s website for its racist campaign states: “Donald Trump embodies White capitalism. If you are anti-Trump, you should hold back your resources from him and the like.”
Jones called “BS” and reminded how much better the black community is fairing under Trump than it did under Barack Obama, the first (half-)black president:
“Black unemployment was double the national average under President Barack Obama. Right now, we have black unemployment that is at a 20-year low. Black businesses are soaring, right now, under President Trump. So, this whole notion that under President Trump, under the Republican leadership, that black lives are worse is just simply not true.”
And to think, Bing Crosby had the color of Christmas wrong this whole time. Even snow is racist.