Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Iranian protest escalates, government cancels schools and trains
“Not Gaza, Not Lebanon, my soul for Iran.”
They’re saying they want a government that will stop funding the global jihad and take care of its own citizens.
“Iranian protest escalates, government cancels schools and trains,” by Yasser Okbi, Jerusalem Post, December 30, 2017:
The protests in Iranian escalated with over 4,000 people marching in the Iranian capital. Iranian authorities arrested 50 people during the protests that erupted across the country on Wednesday.The Iranian government declared that trains and schools will be closed on Sunday because of the protests.Social Media reported in Farsi and Arabic that the protesters are shouting slogans that include “Not Gaza, Not Lebanon, my soul for Iran” and ”Leave Syria, think of how we’re doing.”The Iranian state television networked aired the annual pro-government demonstration that was started in 2009 in response to the last wave of anti-government protests….In Qom, a holy city to Shi’ite Muslims and one of the most religious cities in Iran, residents also joined the protest against the Islamic republic.The Iranian authorities warned citizens not to take part in any “unlawful assemblies” and cautioned that people who take part in protests might cause problems to themselves and others.