Look at this vestige of female power tell the man in a clearly upright and dominating fashion "don't mansplain me bruh", whereas the dude's posture and rhetoric is quite obviously submissive...#deadideologywalking
She is completely off her rocker! Deservedly, she'll fade into obscurity - spending the rest of her life talking to her own reflection in a mirror. ...
Trump has left her in bits . Poor victim lol comedians job is too be funny , I didn't give two monkeys about the photo . Just didn't find it funny .
Now firstly she said "I retract apology" ... Then says " I did apologize" ... WTF . She is a fucking sad sad woman
The liberals caused the reaction to your choices idiot. Blame them. They have been so damn petty because Trump won causing the greatest divide in party's that republicans had no choice but to react. Shows you just how strong the silent majority is. Watch what you do and say, it will come back and bite you. In your case Griffen you were mauled and rightfully so for your choices.