Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
International media claim that amputee was “killed by the IDF” turns out to be more “Palestinian” deception
“War is deceit,” said Muhammad, and the “Palestinians” have turned deceit into an art form, with willing help from the international media.
“Coverage of Gaza Amputee’s Death Showed UK Media at Its Worst,” by Aron White, Algemeiner, December 27, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
There’s been much media attention given to the death of Ibrahim Abu Thuraya at the Gaza border, during violent Palestinian protests earlier this month. But very serious questions have been raised about the story.Media outlets that reported the story should have been more careful in their initial reporting, and should now issue retractions and apologies in light of the new evidence that has come to light.There were two central parts of the story that have now been seriously called into question.It was originally reported that:a) Abu Thuraya was a Palestinian fisherman, who lost his legs in an Israeli air strike during Operation Cast Lead in 2008.b) Abu Thuraya was shot in the head and killed by the IDF on December 15, in a “shocking and wanton act.”But facts have now emerged that seriously challenge both of these assertions.Abu Thuraya was, in fact, a terrorist — and he injured his legs in that context. Initially, Abu Thuraya was a militant in Fatah’s Force 17 commando unit, and he was shot three times in the leg in 2005 by Hamas fighters — during the inter-Palestinian fighting between Fatah and Hamas. (This was reported by none other than The Independent, in 2005).Moreover, there are also now serious questions as to what actually happened on December 15, 2017.The initial IDF report last week said that the military found no evidence that live fire had been directed at Abu Thuraya. The IDF investigation also found that there were no moral or professional failures on the part of the IDF. This IDF claim was repeated on Saturday by Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, who stated that there is “no basis” that Abu Thuraya was shot by an IDF sniper.Given the IDF statement, and the fact that the Hamas Health Ministry refused to cooperate with the IDF investigation, media reports that Abu Thuraya was killed by an IDF sniper are based entirely on unsubstantiated Hamas claims.Indeed, the source of the initial accusation that the IDF shot and killed Abu Thuraya was presented in the Guardian as a statement from “Gazan medical officials.” This obfuscates the fact that those officials work for the Hamas government. In sum: the IDF was accused by members of a designated terrorist organisation sworn to the destruction of Israel, not some objective bystanders. Such a claim should never have been taken at face value, or — at the very least — it should have been presented as a claim, not a fact.When ISIS controlled Raqqa, if the ISIS Health Ministry had accused the coalition of civilian casualties, would this accusation be quoted as fact, coming from “Iraqi medical officials”?…