Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Pamela Geller: One day left — my end-of-year appeal to you
[Note from Robert Spencer: I urge you to give generously and support my colleague Pamela Geller’s groundbreaking and unique work. We have entered into a new age, in which the defenders of freedom are no longer forever on the defensive. Now is the chance to make genuine headway against the forces of oppression. But when we say “we are no longer on the defensive,” Pamela Geller has been there all along, always unafraid to take stands on truths that others were too afraid to defend. But if we don’t defend them, they will be lost. I am proud to stand in solidarity with her, and hope you will, too, in your end-of-the-year gift and in 2018.]
Wishing all AFDI defenders and lovers of liberty a joyous and free New Year.
What a year 2017 was!
And 2018 will be wilder. We will turn the tide against the enemies of freedom.
We accomplished so much this year, with so much more to do.
There is ONE day left to make your tax-deductible gift for 2017.
Because we act, not just talk.
Because no one does what we do.
Because we actually accomplish things.
Our work led to death of three jihad terrorists and two long prison sentences in Boston for two jihad terrorists, with more convictions coming in the future.
Read Pamela Geller’s full victim impact statement given to the court in the sentencing of Daoud Wright here.
We completed our a breakthrough, breakout film, “CAN’T WE TALK ABOUT THIS,” the bloody, true story of the Islamic war on our freedoms. Featuring candid, shocking conversations with heroes of freedom such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Mark Steyn, Douglas Murray, Ezra Levant, Lars Vilks, Robert Spencer, Garland Muhammad cartoon contest winner Bosch Fawstin, and many others, including me, we tell the story Hollywood (and no one else) will ever tell.
Staging Sarsour Protests
MILO joined our AFDI demo against CUNY’s obscene invitation to pro-terror Jew-hater Linda Sarsour to give their commencement address. Our demo was a smashing success, with over a thousand people who came out in a downpour of pelting rain on East 42nd Street outside CUNY’s headquarters to oppose the mainstreaming of evil. It was an amazing event, a turning point, despite Mayor de Blasio’s nefarious attempts to undermine and destroy the rally.
Circumventing the MTA Sharia Ban on Ads of Freedom
AFDI has tangled with New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority on more than one occasion. They refused to run our ads, we sued multiple times, and we won multiple times. So for the first time in NYC transit history, the MTA banned political and issue related ads: the Geller ban.
AFDI’s billboards ran in Times Square, telling the truth at the same time that a CAIR propaganda initiative promoting sharia finance was also running.
There’s much more.
Our undercover videos were featured on the top of Drudge.
We went undercover at the US Immigration office in New York. and filmed an immigration official saying that they would welcome someone even if he came from a hotbed of jihad terrorism and had a fake passport.
We unveiled alarming video, filmed at Columbia University, showing that at Columbia University, an Ivy League school and one of the nation’s foremost centers of higher learning, most students are willing to condone female genital mutilation. Students were asked if Planned Parenthood should fund and support female genital mutilation (FGM). Most students said yes.
Back the Ban
We created a new bus campaign. It’s very simple: the ad lists the names of US refugees from the countries listed in the original version of President Trump’s travel ban who have been convicted of terror activity. The caption: “US refugees convicted of Islamic terror. TRUMP IS RIGHT. BACK THE BAN.” Heads exploded on the left, of course.
We wage war on the cultural and philosophical battlefields of ideas.
Dangerous Books released Pamela Geller’s blockbuster tell-all:
Attention: Pamela Geller
1040 1st Avenue #121
New York, New York 10022
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