Prince Harry Interviews Obama, NYT Fawns
"He gets to wake up later, spend more time with his family."

He may no longer be the President, but that doesn't mean the Left will let him go -- The New York Times posted an apparently newsworthy interview Wednesday: a three-month old conversation between none other than Left-wing Savior Barack Obama and silver-spooned...Prince Harry?
According to Newsbusters, the interview, which originally aired on BBC's Radio 4 Wednesday (having been pre-taped a quarter of a year ago), was initially titled "A Prince and a President." The online headline took a decidedly goofier approach: "When Harry Met Barry: The BBC Obama Interview." As Times reporter Ceylan Yeginsu described:
It was a case of the famous interviewing the famous. The BBC aired an interview on Wednesday that was unusual in at least a couple of respects: The man answering the questions was former President Barack Obama, and the man asking them was his friend Prince Harry.The prince took the seat as a guest editor for BBC Radio 4’s flagship program, “Today,” and broadcast a long-awaited interview in which he questioned the former president about the day he left the White House, his work since leaving office and his plans for the future.
Yeginsu couldn't help but pile on an excoriation of Donald Trump, suggesting his "corrosion of civil discourse":
Neither party mentioned President Trump by name, but Mr. Obama’s successor was never far from the conversation. The two men discussed the risks of using social media and the corrosion of civil discourse.
Yeginsu's next paragraphs illustrated the Left's fawning inability to let Obama no longer be President; and, perhaps, his unwillingness to stop himself:
Since leaving office in January, Mr. Obama has more time on his hands. He gets to wake up later, spend more time with his family and take control of his day, something he says he couldn’t do as president. But the things that are important to him have not changed.I still care about making sure that the United States and the world is a place where kids get a decent education. Where people who are willing to work hard are able to find a job that pays a living wage. That we’re conserving the amazing resources of our planet so that future generations can enjoy the beauty of this place. Like we did.
Awww. Imagine former President Trump, in hindsight, referencing a virtuous political goal, followed by, "Like we did," and the Times remaining silent.
Now, more Trump insults:
While neither man mentioned Mr. Trump directly, they discussed the role of social media in leadership, a conversation that brought to mind Mr. Trump’s blunt, unvarnished posts on Twitter.
Mr. Obama warned against the irresponsible use of social media by people in positions of power and expressed his concern about a future in which facts were discarded.
Ring the bells! Mr. Obama warned! Mr. Obama warned!
Then...we're back to slamming Trump:
Mr. Obama also mentioned that he had developed a thick skin during his presidency. Mr. Trump, in contrast, has been criticized since the 2016 campaign as thin-skinned and unable to rise above provocation. During the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20, many people -- including Prince Harry -- wondered what Mr. Obama was thinking as he sat in the crowd, showing little emotion.
According to Yeginsu, Barry and Harry discussed empowering young people. Naturally, Barry used himself as an example of empowerment, citing his mixed race yet still not, for some reason, verbalizing that he is half white:
You have this African-American, mixed race, born in Hawaii, named Barack Hussein Obama and somehow he becomes president.
Somehow, indeed. And somehow, it seems, to the Left, he is still President.