Sunday, December 31, 2017

The 12/31/2017 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

The 12/31/2017 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Pamela Geller: One day left — my end-of-year appeal to you
By Pamela Geller on Dec 30, 2017 09:29 pm

Pamela Geller: One day left — my end-of-year appeal to you
[Note from Robert Spencer: I urge you to give generously and support my colleague Pamela Geller’s groundbreaking and unique work. We have entered into a new age, in which the defenders of freedom are no longer forever on the defensive. Now is the chance to make genuine headway against the forces of oppression. But when […]

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Iran: After cops murder protesters, protesters set fire to police and security offices
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 04:43 pm

Iran: After cops murder protesters, protesters set fire to police and security offices
#Update76– After the death of four protesters in #Lorestan, young protesters are burning police and security forces’ bases in the city. Chanting Death to(down with) Khamenei#IranProtests — Raman Ghavami (@Raman_Ghavami) December 30, 2017 The freedom fighters aren’t giving up easily.

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Ahmadi Muslims Hijack Islam
By Stephen M. Kirby on Dec 30, 2017 04:37 pm

Ahmadi Muslims Hijack Islam
For many years we have heard that the jihadists have “hijacked” Islam by arbitrarily picking and choosing what verses of the Koran and teachings of Muhammad, or portions thereof, to follow, while ignoring those that don’t support their actions. In a similar vein, the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Community USA has hijacked Islam with their website Muhammad […]

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Iran: Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps opens fire on peaceful protesters, murdering five, injuring four
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 03:38 pm

Iran: Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps opens fire on peaceful protesters, murdering five, injuring four
BREAKING REPORT: The Islamic Revolutionary Guard #IRGC has opened fire on peaceful protesters in #Iran. #IranProtests #تظاهرات_سراسرى #يحدث_الان_في_ايران #IranProtest #متحد_شویم — Drew Liquerman (@DrewLiquerman) December 30, 2017 A tragedy and an outrage. And to think this criminal regime has apologists in the West.

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Iran: Protesters chant “Reza Shah, bless your soul!”
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 12:49 pm

Iran: Protesters chant “Reza Shah, bless your soul!”
The Iranian people are chanting, “Reza Shah, Bless Your Soul” Seems Iranians want to return to the way things were before the Islamic Revolution, Obama… you putz! #IranianProtests — Boston🇺🇸Bobblehead (@DBloom451) December 30, 2017 Reza Shah was the Shah of Iran from 1925 to 1941 and the father of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah […]

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Iranian protest escalates, government cancels schools and trains
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 12:37 pm

Iranian protest escalates, government cancels schools and trains
“Not Gaza, Not Lebanon, my soul for Iran.” They’re saying they want a government that will stop funding the global jihad and take care of its own citizens. “Iranian protest escalates, government cancels schools and trains,” by Yasser Okbi, Jerusalem Post, December 30, 2017: The protests in Iranian escalated with over 4,000 people marching in […]

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Sharia Berlin to set up “safe zone” for women at New Year’s Eve party
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 11:57 am

Sharia Berlin to set up “safe zone” for women at New Year’s Eve party
So the response to Sharia-sanctioned sexual abuse of infidel women is to adopt another Sharia principle, the segregation of the sexes. Anyone can see what is happening in Germany, and to what it is tending. “New Year’s Eve party in Berlin to have ‘safe zone’ for women,” BBC, December 29, 2017: Organisers of Berlin’s New […]

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Australian church forced to cancel popular annual New Year’s Eve fireworks party: can’t afford jihad security costs
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 11:47 am

Australian church forced to cancel popular annual New Year’s Eve fireworks party: can’t afford jihad security costs
Is this going to be the West’s response to jihad terror? To cancel or curtail our activities, and hide in our houses, thoroughly terrorized? Did anyone at St. Aidan’s pause to consider why all this security is necessary, and why it wasn’t in the past, and what that suggests about the Muslim migrant influx? Is […]

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Trump: Iranians fed up with regime’s “squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad”
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 10:01 am

Trump: Iranians fed up with regime’s “squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad”
Much of that wealth, of course, came to them courtesy Barack Hussein Obama. At last, a President who calls out injustice and stands with the genuinely oppressed.

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Iran readies crackdown: “Emergency – Code Red – All forces in military uniform report in to their respective areas”
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 09:55 am

Iran readies crackdown: “Emergency – Code Red – All forces in military uniform report in to their respective areas”
As the President has said, the world is watching.

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Iran: Tehran police say they’ll no longer arrest women for violating the Islamic dress code
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2017 09:05 am

Iran: Tehran police say they’ll no longer arrest women for violating the Islamic dress code
This is momentous: the first crack in the Sharia wall. Note also the irony: in the West feminists piously host Hijab Days and whine about nonexistent “Islamophobia,” but never say a word about the Iranian women who have been forced to wear hijab since 1979. Will American feminists stand with the Iranian women who have […]

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