Sunday, December 31, 2017

Democrats Get Heated Over Trump's Global Warming Tweet

"Bundle up!"

The Left lost their minds Thursday night after President Donald Trump said the northeastern United States "could use a little global warming" to return the weather to a more livable temperature:
"In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!"

Trump tweeted the notion around 6 p.m. The left-wing reactionaries weren't far behind. Their outrage, as par for the course, was of the "moral" variety, provided in part by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren:
"I’m going to say something really crazy: I believe in science. Climate change is real and we have a moral obligation to protect this Earth for our children and grandchildren."
Warren's tweet, of course, is based on a fallacy: "science" does not unanimously subscribe to global warming. Furthermore, did she believe in the "science" of the 70's? Or was that science also "really crazy?"
That was the opinion of "experts."
The Left is too distracted to consider such things; they're busy with hysteria, as indicated by their responses to Trump's tweet. Enter California Senator Kamala Harris and Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse:

New York Representative Kathleen Rice joined the scientists, throwing in the bizarre assertion that no one is allowed to make a comment about the weather unless they disseminate information on how to protect one's homes and pets, and instruct people where to find shelter -- are the homeless on Twitter?
Washington Representative Pramila Jayapal took time to womansplain:
And the snowball -- I mean, heat wave -- continued:

Perhaps the above congressional scientists should read this article instead of spending so much time on Twitter.

Photo by elviskennedy on / CC BY-NC-ND

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