Sunday, May 20, 2018


 Today's Headlines

Saturday Night Cinema: Sanctuary

“Listen, little girl, you don’t know nothing ’bout the Candy Man — he’ll have you crawling on all fours and howling like a dog!”

“Supporting UNRWA, We Keep The Conflict Alive,” Swiss Foreign Minister Declares After Visit to Jordan

#EndUNRWA “The word ‘refugee’ in this case no longer corresponds to the meaning we attach to it. “We speak of third-generation families who live not in actual camps but in cities".

Leading sponsor of terror Qatar seeks ownership stake in conservative website Newsmax

@ChrisRuddyNMX "Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today." Will Chris Ruddy sell out to state sponsor of terror?

West Virginia Middle School TOLD TO REMOVE POSTS About Their Children Forced to Write Their Submission To Allah @MtRidgeMiddle

The school is trying to silence parents' concern over Islamic proselytizing (dawah) in the classroom. No non-Muslim student one should be forced to write the or say the shahada without the qualifier, "Muslims believe that..."

Hugh Fitzgerald: Yunique Saafir: A Convert Impressed with “Islam’s Emphasis on Racial Equality”

There is an ideological war going on, right here at home, for the hearts and minds of many Americans who, having been misinformed about Islam, convert on the basis of that misinformation.

Defense Minister Liberman: Muslim ad money causes CNN, BBC, France 24 bias against Israel

Finally, someone is talking straight. Hell, Fox News just installed a Muslim prayer room.

Robert Spencer: The Islamization of the Public Schools

Muslims anxious to use schools and textbooks to proselytize for Islam have found a welcoming environment in American public schools that are indefatigably committed to multiculturalism.

The ‘Great Return March’ Campaign: An Initiative Sponsored By Hamas to Invade Israel and Kill Jews

An examination of statements coming out of Gaza about the "Great Return March" campaign, by Hamas officials, by campaign organizers, and by participants and supporters of the campaign, reveal that it was not merely a popular civilian campaign but was fully supported by Hamas, and that its goal was to breach the border fence in order to penetrate Israeli territory and march on Israeli communities.

93% of migrant sex crimes in Finland are committed by migrants from Islamic countries

A total of 1052 asylum seekers were suspected of crimes in 2016 and virtually all were men, who together represented 29 nations. Two thirds were Iraqis and the age of the suspects was evenly distributed.


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