As you saw yesterday, ABC fired Roseanne after she tweeted out a controversial joke about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett. However, that decision has backfired in a big way as more than 55,000 PEOPLE have committed to boycott ABC for their disgusting double standard!
The best part is that it has hit this massive goal in UNDER 24 hours! More and more people are signing it per second, and it’s a wonderful thing to see. The main goal is 100,000 signatures, but we’ll probably hit that before Thursday morning!
We’re not necessarily defending Roseanne’s comments, but we ARE pointing out a disgusting double standard. ABC allows the ladies of ‘The View’ to call Christians “mentally ill”, but they fired Roseanne at the first sign of controversy. Not only that, but ABC also employs Jimmy Kimmel, who openly mocks our First Lady’s accent. Somehow, the liberals on the network never suffer the consequences, but CONSERVATIVES DO (See, Tim Allen).
Take a look below at the energy from just ONE social post. We’re talking over 27,000 likes, 15,000 shares, 6,000+ comments and nearly 60,000 signatures:
Here are some of the best comments we’ve received from the petition:
Have you signed the boycott yet? If not, click here.
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