Monday, May 7, 2018

The world is dying. We were warned by our Lord Jesus (Yeshua Hamashach) so very long ago

The world is dying.

We were warned by our Lord Jesus (Yeshua Hamashach) so very long ago. We were told what to watch for, what the signs would be. However these signs would always be present through mankind's history. Nevertheless this time everything though the same is completely different.

Man can know destroy the entire planet. he can kill every living organism on earth with a virus. The signs Jesus told us are happening one after another, every day, compounded each and every day. it never stops. These are the differences, these are the clues. yet this being said, this is but the very beginning my friends. just the start. can you dare to imagine how much worst next year will be? We have been blessed with a President who is trying to help (America Great Again).

However we have a deep and disturbing party of Democrats who have done everything in there evil power and I mean evil to stop President Trump in every way they can from achieving this goal. I have learned that the Democrats stand for the death of the UN-Born, stand for the Dis-Education of our youth especially (the inner city children). Whom after a term of 8 years a Democratic President Barrack Obama did not lift a finger of help for Inner City Schools & Children. Ask Yourself s Why? It will not get any better in this country until the American people reach towards God, hands held to the ski in real prayer asking God for help to not only make America Great Again as a nation but for our people to go back to our God Given Christian Foundation of the American Constitution . Even if but a short while.

See these are the end times. our time is but so short. Those of the World simply can not grasp what we understand from that which The Holy Spirit gives us that understanding of. I am not sure if this is the Time of God's finale out pouring of Grace. I just do not know. I am but a lay person. All I feel and understand is time is short and we need to reach as many souls as possible. Witness when we can and never force our be-leaves on anyone. Pray for guidance, Pray for Wisdom, and always Thank God for all His Blessing He has given You. Amen. Carl

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