Thursday, May 31, 2018

EU Unveils Plans to Punish Patriotic Eastern Nations Who Oppose Mass Muslim Migration and Brutal Sharia Laws


Knife-wielding terrorist kills one, seriously injures two, including police woman in RAMPAGE on German train

Yesterday, two police women were shot dead by a devout Muslim in Belgium. Today in Germany, a knife-wielding attacker tried to attack a female police officer after killing one person and seriously injuring others in a stabbing incident onboard a train in Flensburg.

EU Unveils Plans to Punish Patriotic Eastern Nations Who Oppose Mass Muslim Migration and Brutal Sharia Laws

Like Hitler in his bunker, the EU is barking wild orders in its last gasp at far-left totalitarian control of the continent and the annihilation of freedom.

Belgian TV cannot find a single Jew to agree to wear a yarmulke in public

The Jewish community is so frightened of Jew-haters that literally none of them would agree to publicly wear the most basic and unobtrusive of Jewish symbols.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley Urges U.N. Security Council to Condemn Attacks on Israel by Gaza Islamic Terror Groups

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has called on the Security Council to condemn attacks on Israel by Islamic terror groups operating out of Gaza.

Iranian freedom fighter Amil Imani: Pamela Geller among “the bravest Americans I know”

Why aren’t there enough freedom-loving journalists to recognize the valor, courage and bravery of those who have dedicated their lives for the safety and security of this nation? My answer is they fear losing their jobs.

ABC cancels Roseanne reboot over tweets

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC president Channing Dungey said in a statement.

Facebook Cofounder’s Wife Bankrolls BLM Activist Shaun King’s PAC

This explains a lot -- the wife of Facebook's cofounder has bankrolled pretty much the entire coffer of Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King's PAC. And Facebook wants to claim it's politically neutral?

Dutch Antisemitism Reaches Five-Year High, Despite Scant Jewish Population

A new report shows Jewish people in the Netherlands are facing much more targeting for their heritage and religious beliefs than other segments of the population.


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