Fired FBI Director James Comey said supporters of President Donald Trump will “believe anything,” and the president fired back with a one-two knockout punch.
As noted by The Daily Wire, Comey took to Twitter to insult the president and his supporters following a wave of explosive reports that the FBI embedded a spy into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
The alleged spy, or “Confidential Human Sources” as Comey called him, was Stefan Halper, a professor at the University of Cambridge who has worked for the FBI and CIA for decades.
Following news that the FBI reportedly planted an informant into his campaign, Trump slammed the “Criminal Deep State” and said that Comey’s FBI may “end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before.”
Rather than challenge the merits of Trump’s claim, Comey responded by slamming the president and those who support him.
During an interview on Thursday with Fox & Friends, host Brian Kilmeade asked Trump about Comey’s comments.
Trump turned Comey’s “grandchildren” line against him, saying his decision to fire Comey is one of the best things he’s done for the country.
Trump absolutely buried Comey with his response:
“How is he going to explain to his grandchildren all of the lies, the deceit, all of the problems he has caused for this country?”“I think of the things that I’ve done for the country, the firing of James Comey is going to go down as a very good thing.”“I know so many people in the FBI. The FBI is a fantastic institution, but some of the people at the top were rotten apples. James Comey was one of them. I’ve done a great service for this country by getting rid of him, by firing him.”
Watch below:
Trump completely eviscerated Comey as the fired director is currently traveling across the country to promote his new book on leadership.
In the book, he describes almost crying in the Oval Office with former President Barack Obama; admitting he didn’t tell Trump that Hillary Clinton and Democrats funded the dossier; and even attacked Trump’s personal appearances several times.
Comey attacking Trump supporters further proves the president made the right decision to fire him last year.
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