Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The 05/16/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Video: As Ramadan begins, massive fire rips through several buildings in heavily Muslim Molenbeek area of Brussels
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 03:56 pm

Video: As Ramadan begins, massive fire rips through several buildings in heavily Muslim Molenbeek area of Brussels
BREAKING: Massive fire rips through several buildings in Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium. — BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) May 15, 2018 Bomb-making class gone awry? Another one of those “gas leaks” that have become so common in Europe and the U.K. in recent years? Some other form of diversity and cultural enrichment? No telling. It could be […]

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Netanyahu: “President Trump, by recognizing history, you have made history”
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 03:48 pm

Netanyahu: “President Trump, by recognizing history, you have made history”
During his remarks at the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Dear friends, what a glorious day. Remember this moment. This is history. President Trump, by recognizing history, you have made history. All of us are deeply moved, all of us are deeply grateful.” By recognizing […]

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Hamas top dog: “This is not peaceful resistance. When we talk about peaceful resistance, we are deceiving the public”
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 01:05 pm

Hamas top dog: “This is not peaceful resistance. When we talk about peaceful resistance, we are deceiving the public”
Al-Zahhar has, by making this statement, identified those who are deceiving the public as the New York Times, CNN, the BBC, and the rest of the establishment media. “Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar on Gaza Protests: This Is Not Peaceful Resistance, It Is Supported by Our Weapons,” MEMRI, May 13, 2018: Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud […]

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Haley: Gaza violence not over embassy location, “comes from those who reject existence of Israel in any location”
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 12:46 pm

Haley: Gaza violence not over embassy location, “comes from those who reject existence of Israel in any location”
Speaking the truth in a forum where it has not been heard for years, and where most of those who hold power are determined to suppress it. “Haley Defends Israel at U.N.: ‘No Country in This Chamber Would Act With More Restraint,’” by David Rutz, Washington Free Beacon, May 15, 2018: U.S. Ambassador to the […]

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“Palestinian” boasts to NPR: “We want to burn” the Jews, “the Jews go crazy” when they see our swastika kites
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 12:26 pm

“Palestinian” boasts to NPR: “We want to burn” the Jews, “the Jews go crazy” when they see our swastika kites
No doubt this was not the messaging that NPR wanted to put out when they invited him on. But sometimes, even if by accident, the truth makes it onto the Leftist airwaves. “Gazan Boasts to NPR About Driving Israelis ‘Crazy’ by Putting Swastikas on Firebomb Kite: ‘We Want to Burn Them,’” by David Rutz, Washington […]

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Minnesota: Muslims defraud taxpayers of over $100 million, use it to fund jihad terror group al-Shabaab
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 12:12 pm

Minnesota: Muslims defraud taxpayers of over $100 million, use it to fund jihad terror group al-Shabaab
Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the […]

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Gaza: Ten of the “innocent civilians” killed were members of Hamas’ internal security apparatus
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 08:38 am

Gaza: Ten of the “innocent civilians” killed were members of Hamas’ internal security apparatus
Gaza: First martyrdom pictures coming in, ten killed were members of Hamas' internal security apparatus. — Björn Stritzel (@bjoernstritzel) May 15, 2018 The establishment media will, of course, ignore the fact that these “innocent civilians” were actually key members of a jihad terror group, and will continue to pump out propaganda about “Palestinian” victimhood.

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Vicious New York Daily News reviles Ivanka Trump as “Daddy’s Little Ghoul,” retails “Palestinian” jihad propaganda
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 08:32 am

Vicious New York Daily News reviles Ivanka Trump as “Daddy’s Little Ghoul,” retails “Palestinian” jihad propaganda
The New York Daily News is supposed to be a “newspaper,” but at this point it is, like most establishment media outlet, merely a viciously biased hard-Left, pro-jihad propaganda organ. “View from the Gaza front: Is the IDF acting legally?,” by Yonah Jeremy Bob, Jerusalem Post, May 15, 2018 07:59 …At a particular moment, it […]

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Islamic Jihad publishes photos of three of the “innocent civilians” killed yesterday: trained, uniformed jihadis
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 08:15 am

Islamic Jihad publishes photos of three of the “innocent civilians” killed yesterday: trained, uniformed jihadis
One was just a “child” of 16 — oh and yes, he was a member of a jihad terror group, as were the others pictured, but Islamic Jihad can rest secure in the knowledge that the establishment media will continue to cover for them and present their propaganda line as if it were unquestionable fact. […]

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“Palestinian” Muslims on Twitter call on Gazans to bring guns and knives to “peaceful” border protests
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 07:59 am

“Palestinian” Muslims on Twitter call on Gazans to bring guns and knives to “peaceful” border protests
Dozens and dozens of posts calling for Palestinians to bring guns and knives to kidnap Israeli civilians: #Gaza — StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) May 14, 2018 The reality beyond the establishment media propaganda (thanks to Andrew Bostom).

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Germany: Muslims beat, kick, threaten to stab two other Muslims for drinking alcohol
By Robert Spencer on May 15, 2018 07:45 am

Germany: Muslims beat, kick, threaten to stab two other Muslims for drinking alcohol
What are the chances that the perpetrators of this crime are going to adopt German values and become loyal, productive members of German society? “POL-DO: “Why are you drinking alcohol?” – Quartet beat two young men and rob cell phone,” translated “POL-DO: ‘Warum trinkt ihr Alkohol?’ – Quartett prügelt auf zwei junge Männer ein und […]

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Canada: As Trudeau’s Failures Mount, He Demonizes Pro-Trump Former Prime Minister Harper
By Christine Douglass-Williams on May 15, 2018 07:14 am

Canada: As Trudeau’s Failures Mount, He Demonizes Pro-Trump Former Prime Minister Harper
According to a Toronto Star article: Justin Trudeau has been working assiduously to invoke the ghost of Stephen Harper, but this week the ghost himself appeared, no Liberal conjuring needed….There was the former prime minister, in a full-page ad in The New York Times, offering a full-throated endorsement of Donald Trump. The Star’s article referred […]

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Pakistan: Muslim family rapes, then ties down and strangles to death Christian teen in front of her father
By Christine Douglass-Williams on May 15, 2018 06:37 am

Pakistan: Muslim family rapes, then ties down and strangles to death Christian teen in front of her father
A 17-year-old Christian teen girl was subjected to violation, and then was tortured and murdered by a Muslim family: the Muslim family, Asif, Muhammad Kashif, Muhammad Tariq Pasran, Muhammad Ismael, along with Asif’s wife and another woman, were holding down Kainat’s legs and arms…..The Muslim family had tied a rope around the Christian girl’s neck […]

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Iranian elementary school superintendent cuts girl’s hair that stuck out of her hijab: “she could have roused him”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on May 15, 2018 06:26 am

Iranian elementary school superintendent cuts girl’s hair that stuck out of her hijab: “she could have roused him”
The superintendent of an elementary school in Abadan, southwestern Iran, reportedly cut a girl’s hair for not properly covering it. All because “she could have roused him” with a piece of her hair showing from under the hijab. This girl is in elementary school. The idea that she could “rouse” an adult male, and that […]

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