Monday, September 30, 2019

DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY? How THIS COLLEGE has become a hotbed of Radical L...

DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY? How THIS COLLEGE has become a hotbed of Radical Leftists

Sep 30, 2019
112K subscribers
There are many Colleges and Universities that are considered Left Wing Schools. Berkeley NYU USC Univ of Wisconsin just to name a few. Most of the Ivy League schools are all left wing too. But there is one in NYC that as of late has really turned to the left when in the past it wasn't. CORRECTION: (at 5:35 eventhough Zephyr Teachout looks pretty manly lol she is a woman so that needed to be corrected. #DeepState #JohnBrennan #JamesComey #PreetBaharra #SDNY #GeoffreyBerman #IvyLeagues #JerroldNadler #ChristineBlaseyFord #JusticeKavanaugh #MSNBC #ChristinaGreer #Fredo #ChrisCuomo #AndrewCuomo #HeatherGautney #BernieSanders #LorettaPreska #PresidentTrump I have a BUNCH of new Ukraine stuff coming this week the rest of the media has kept hidden. STAY TUNED...

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