This video might get me in hot water for attacking this person but I am justified in doing so because this person chose to put herself into the spotlight. I cover the TRUTH on my show and the truth has NO Agenda, If you have children that think the world is going to end in 10 years MAKE THEM WATCH THIS ENTIRE VIDEO...Remember folks it is because of segments like these that I am HEAVILY CENSORED and have been DEMONETIZED by Youtube for over 3 YEARS. So PLEASE help me DEFEAT CENSORSHIP AT WWW.PATREON.COM/JOSHBERNSTEIN I appreciate your continued support!!! #IlhanOmar#RashidaTlaib#AOC#ClimateStrike#WorldIsEnding#GretaThunberg#GlobalWarming#SaveThePlanet#ClimateChange#IsraHirsi#TrumpImpeachment#Whistleblower#UkraineScandal#JoeBiden