Monday, September 30, 2019

Biden Demands Cable News Networks Stop Booking President Trump's Lawyer


That's a crazy demand even in the current atmosphere where no amount of media bias and narrative skewing seems to be off-limits.
Biden's lawyers blasting out demands to news networks and channels to stop booking Rudy Giuliani is certainly an interesting approach.
But, mostly, interestingly stupid. 
Aside from the Streisand Effect, trying to keep Giuliani off the air because he accuses the Biden family of corruption, all but advertises that they have something to hide, and also expects the media to put Biden over profits and eyeballs.
Maybe Warren could win that kind of pledge of loyalty from the media. But there's no way that CNN is going to keep Giuliani off the air for Joe Biden. Not unless Biden actually becomes the nominee and then maybe we'll talk.
For now, Ukraine is win-win for the media.
Not only does the media get to take on Trump, but it weakens Biden and paves the way for their socialist candidate, Elizabeth Warren.
But then again, the Biden campaign is probably pulling the same old Hillary move of trying to blame the media for its own scandal. It didn't work for Hillary. Won't work for Joe.


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