Report: Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff Allegedly Connected to Ukrainian Arms Dealer
It seems like Democrats are racing against the clock to impeach Trump over a nothing burger in Ukraine.
They seem fully willing to sacrifice Joe Biden to do it.
Why would they do that?
It seems that they want to fully control the Ukraine narrative before the whole truth comes out, because Joe Biden is not the only key Democrat that has some explaining to do about Ukraine dealings.
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Corruption runs deep in the Deep State! No wonder the Democrat House wants to get rid of President Trump now. Speaker Pelosi and Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. This is why they lie in front of the nation. They are afraid of their own deeds being uncovered!
As reported this morning, Adam Schiff leads the House Intelligence Committee and this past week he oversaw the Intel Committee where he attempted to align President Trump with some ‘trumped’ up allegations concerning his phone call with the President of the Ukraine.
Schiff lied in his opening remarks and claimed numerous falsehoods about the President’s call in spite of the transcript being provided the day before.
His entire description of the President’s call was a lie – we have the transcript and this was not in it!
President Trump rightly called for Schiff’s removal from the Intelligence Committee after this dishonest performance –
....fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President to make it look like I did something very wrong. He then boldly read those words to Congress and millions of people, defaming & libeling me. He must resign from Congress!
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We know why Schiff is lying – he’s connected with a Ukrainian Arms Dealer!
In 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500 –

Pasternack has also been connected to George Soros –
Congressman Adam Schiff (D) had a fundraiser hosted by a Ukraine arms dealer with heavy ties to George Soros! #ComeyHearing
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Now we can report that Ukrainian arms dealer Pasternak is also connected to Nancy Pelosi!
Ukrainian arms dealer Pasternak met Pelosi at the fundraiser Pasternak held in Washington D.C.

Below is Pasternak’s luxurious home in DC where he held fundraisers for the Democrats.

Yaacov Apelbaum was the source for much of The Gateway Pundit story and has this:
How to Finance Your Congressional Campaign with Arms Sales
Running for Congress? Short on cash or donations? No need to worry. Now, you too can finance your entire campaign through Ukrainian arms dealers. Igor, for example, will even host the fundraising events in his $2+ million Washington DC brownstone (just one of several such houses he owns in the US). Igor will even provide the catering and valet parking free of charge.

Image 1: Igor Pasternak’s luxury home in DC where in 2013 Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi used Igor Pasternak to host and fundraise for Schiff’s congressional election
And the best part is that you never have to worry about paying him back for any of these favors, because it’s all absolutely free, no strings attached. After all, everyone knows that Ukrainian arms dealers float the election campaign of congressional candidates like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Loretta Sanchez, because they are just so cuddly and lovable.
If you don’t buy any of this, then the following Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Alexandra Chalupa linkage below agrees with you.

Image 2: Where is Igor? Using the Sentinel AI based face recognition to locate an arms dealer in a crowed of 500K people

Image 3: How a Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Paternak floated Adam Schiff’s 2013 election to Congress and Paternak’s linkage to Nancy Pelosi Ukrainian influence network in the US.

Image 4: Notes from the desk of Yaroslav Brisiuck’s the Ukrainain Chargé d’affaires in Washington DC suggest that Alexandra Chalupa could be a long term Ukrainian intelligence asset
Read the rest at…
Surprised by any of this?
What we are seeing now is just a big game of cover your own assets.
It seems that Pelosi and Schiff have a few extra reasons to make this Trump-Ukraine false narrative impeachment stick and if Joe Biden goes down for it, they will allow it.
Their first priority will be impeachment and their second will be to cover up their own shady dealings with an arms dealer from Ukraine.
If they can somehow save Biden, that would be a bonus but not a priority.
This story needs to be spread far and wide so that the American people can see the REAL indiscretions of those leading this witch hunt.
Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry
- GOP Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces Motion To Censure Adam Schiff
- Video: Dem Rep. Adam Schiff makes up fictional dialogue in Trump call
- Former Navy SEAL Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer warns of ‘gruesome massacre’ if Trump removed from office
- Senior Republicans DEMAND Adam Schiff resign for Trump collusion lies
- Video: Adam Schiff colluded with Russians to get naked photos of Donald Trump
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