Monday, September 30, 2019

Current Events & World News
September 30, 2019
What is the Muslim Brotherhood?
Discover their goal to overthrow the United States, and they are right on track to do it. The Muslim Brotherhood is working with the leftist and liberal organizations within our political circles. This must-see documentary is not only shocking, but frightening. You will learn how this Muslim organization is in our own backyard, and deep within our government. America has let it happen, and now we are about the pay the price. Watch for yourself. 
A billboard just like this stands along I-35 North in Oklahoma City, OK, home of PITN. Billboards like this are going up all across the country. This billboard was put up in New Jersey by ICNA, a non-profit, independent, grassroots organization, who say they are committed to creating a healthy environment for youth and families that is conducive to their all-round physical, moral and intellectual development. On May 28th of this year, they sponsored “Muslims Walk to the White House.” It’s all in the plan, and Americans are not paying attention.
Iran says ‘bits and pieces of Tel Aviv’ will remain if Israel attacks
“If Israel makes a strategic mistake, it has to collect bits and pieces of Tel Aviv from the lower depths of the Mediterranean Sea,” said an Iranian commander.
The Betrayal of Benjamin Netanyahu
In Israel, the political discourse has become a vulgar and personal crusade to destroy the political legacy of one of Israel’s greatest leaders, The Ethiopian community is an example of how this could be done.
The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, started in Israel on Sunday evening (September 29, 2019) and ends on Tuesday evening, (October 1, 2019). Thousands prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem:"Lord of pardons - we have sinned, have mercy on us.” Watch the broadcast that was originally LIVE from the Western Wall.
This video starts at the 3-minute mark.
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