NYC Commission Threatens $250,000 Fine for Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’
The NYC commission on human rights has criminalised calling an illegal alien an illegal alien, even if they are an illegal alien. You could end up paying a $250,000 fine for the violation. And for crying out loud, don’t call ICE on anyone, that’s also against the law in New York City.

“Threatening to call ICE when motivated by discrimination, derogatory use of the term ‘illegal alien,’ and discrimination based on limited English proficiency are unlawful discriminatory treatment under the NYC Human Rights Law…The NYC Commission on Human Rights … defines discrimination on the basis of perceived or actual immigration status and national origin under the New York City Human Rights Law in public accommodation, employment, and housing.”
Attempting to legislate speech or terms used by a person is not workable. Particularly when the term “illegal alien” is the legal wording used in the federal code.
So if a landlord calls ICE on a tenant when they ARE an illegal alien and the federal code says so…now what? New York being a “sanctuary city” is becoming quite complicated. Law-abiding residents are now criminals if they say anything or do anything about someone they believe to be illegal. Why assume it’s hate to call authorities?
They tried this once before recently by enacting a rule that also carries a $250G fine…using pronouns that are not what the person wants when you talk to them.
New York City has made it illegal to threaten to call ICE based on a discriminatory motive or to tell someone "go back to your country." Hate has no place here.
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“In the face of increasingly hostile national rhetoric, we will do everything in our power to make sure our treasured immigrant communities are able to live with dignity and respect, free of harassment and bias.” Carmelyn Malalis, NYC Commission on Human Rights to the NY Post
Not everyone is happy about this in the Big Apple. The “Human Rights Commission” reportedly has a history of censoring speech they do not like. (Fox)
See Randy Bell's other Tweets
I am officially putting @BilldeBlasio and the Commission on Human rights on notice. As a law abiding citizen of New York City, this is a violation of my constitutional right to free speech. Even Almighty GOD does not regulate free will. So, if you arrest me, expect a lawsuit. …
See Helen Thomas's other Tweets
See Livingston County Conservative Party's other Tweets
So much for free speech.
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