Monday, September 30, 2019

Florida officer threatens to carry out mass shooting, was not “Red Flagged” and was not arrested

An internal affairs investigation into the actions by a former Tarpon Springs police detective was closed Sept. 20, resulting in a violation for conduct unbecoming a police officer.
According to a press release, Tarpon Springs Police Department’s Administration Division found out on Aug. 6 about a comment made on Aug. 5 by Detective Steve Bergren to another Detective that “there would be an active shooter situation at the PD if he did not get an assignment to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Countywide Narcotics Task Force.”
Police say the Bergren had made the statement in a “stoic manner and not giving any indication that this was a joke.”
“The [other] detective said it was something that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up,” said Tarpon Springs Police Maj. Jeffrey Young.
Bergren was placed on paid administrative leave Aug. 6 and all department firearms, badge and identification were taken from him. At that time, internal affairs began an investigation.
Police say due to the nature of the incident, Pinellas County and Pasco County sheriff’s offices were notified and made aware of the statements.
During the course of this investigation, police say it was determined that a second similar comment, also in a stoic manner was made by Bergren on or about May 10, when the internal selection process for the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Countywide Narcotics Task Force position began.
Bergren resigned from the Tarpon Springs Police Department Sept. 19, prior to a scheduled interview with Internal Affairs investigators.
Police say Bergren submitted a letter taking responsibility for making the comment, writing that it was a statement made in “jest,” but “in reflection he realizes his attempt at humor was ill-advised.”
The internal affairs investigation was closed Sept. 20 with Chief Robert Kochen issuing a violation of General Order 101.40: Conduct Unbecoming a Police Officer, as investigators considered Bergren’s action a threat in the workplace. Under city of Tarpon Springs rules and regulations, the comments made would have been a termination for a first offense of this nature.
The internal investigation will be sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Standards Commission, which could affect Bergren’s state law enforcement officer certification.
Bergren joined the force in 2008. His personnel file includes numerous disciplinary actions. Those include a written reprimand in 2008 for missing a deposition, two more reprimands in 2015 and 2018 for vehicle crashes that were deemed his fault, and another 2018 incident in which he received “verbal counseling” for his conduct to the public. In 2012, he was cleared of an allegation that he posted racist pictures to his Facebook page.
While folks across the country are having their guns confiscated under red flag laws for far less than threatening two mass shootings, it is perplexing, to say the least, as to why this cop wasn’t at least red-flagged if not arrested for the threat.
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Contributed by Sean Walton of The Daily Sheeple.
Sean Walton is a researcher and journalist for The Daily Sheeple. Send tips to

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