Monday, September 30, 2019

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?

Jun 25, 2019
2.33M subscribers
The Muslim Brotherhood is a dangerous organization, seeking to destroy Western civilization from within and to establish a global Islamic state. Ami Horowitz exposes the organization's plans within America.
Ya... this is why it's a good Idea to have Borders, and to know who crosses them. MAGA.
Hold on to your guns while you still can
Frank G
Can't wait to play this video at Ivy League schools.
Simba Rivers
Muhammed upon dying said "curse the jews and christians"

Jesus while being beaten and crucified said " please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"

Jesus is the only way.
Andrey Lucas
This is probably the most important video on this channel.
DJ Klose
This isn't even an opinion piece, this is out of their own mouths!
Vickie O.
GET THEM OUT!!! The War Here Will Be Bloody. We Wont Give Up Our Guns!!
Stacy Brittain
chilling. frightening. Wake up Washington DC! Uphold your oaths to protect American and the American people. MAGA.
David Kozlowski
Just like Mark Twain said it is easier to lie to someone then to convince them they have been lied to
George S.
I'm Egyptian Coptic, I tell you, you have to handle this plague that called Islam and Muslim brotherhood, if you want the western civilization to keep thriving.

What on earth is going on?! They even don't hide their ultimate goal!!
Destruction of the west from within!!
You have to move otherwise you will replicate the great civilization of Egypt future
ٰØ¡ ٰ
The Muslim Brotherhood is the cancer of the Middle East.
Inna Yong
I believe YT will delete this video.
Keep telling the truth!
Robin Luich
Sessions,are all cells.
Mister K
Damn, that footage of the kids is CREEPY AF!!!
blade runner
Yeah ... yeah ... I'm a Christian orthodox to death ... we will see at end times who will prevail ... Put on the ARMOR of god ... untouchable ... JESUS !!!
Crimson & Grey
The Left and United States Muslim Organizations are certainly linked. Great informative video.
brian kelly
diversity has not worked in 10 thousand years. in every country on the planet earth.
This has been happening for years in many countries. One needs to look no further than Europe.
Kavan Patel
You can call TRUMP mad.....
Well I would call him the saviour of US....
Communists and Islamists want to ruin your it..
If we let this continue we can all say goodbye to the life we now know
Domestic enemy youtube is going to make this video disappear, since they’ve openly declared war on the republic and the citizens therein.
Its a shame, this video won't be seen in the mainstream media.
David George
If Muslim brotherhood have their way with the United states of America then the first to get destroyed will be the left itself who so fervently support the Islamic influenze in the United States of America.
Pls wake up before it is too late
Hilman Sudirman
Wow, just wow. How could the west allowed this terror organization to actually operate freely......?????? They must be insane...
Elaine Magliacane
Wow, just wow... another reason to KEEP and BEAR ARMS in America...
Mo Chris
Great job.. The truth is always simple and easy to understand. I grew up in a Islamic society and attest unbiased that each and every single information in this video is absolutely true. Islam will dominate the western world unless proselytization is stopped completely just like China. Thanks PragerU for your continued situational awareness videos.
Franklin William Andrew Daniels
Aaaaand deleted by YouTube in 3... 2... 1...

Somebody please archive this
JJS3023 S
Yet the media and radical leftists continue to give them a pass.
Starts in 1920 in Egypt. Kicks out all coptic christians. Comes to your town - same thing.

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