Treasonous Jihad-Rep Rashida Tlaib Defends ‘Impeach the M***rF****r’ Shirts: They Bring ‘Levity’ and Liberation to My Supporters
Rep. Rashida Tlaib has brought nothing but shame to the United States Congress. The mainstream media continues to glorify this anti-American and anti-Semitic thug. Shame on them.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in a tweet on Friday defended her reelection campaign’s sale of “Impeach the MF” shirts, stressing that the shirts bring a sense of “levity” and liberation to her supporters and warning that it is a “mistake to try to equate t-shirts with the destruction of our democracy.”By Breitbart, September 28, 2019:Tlaib proudly tweeted her reelection campaign’s shirts featuring the infamous remark she made on her first day in office, telling supporters, “We’re going to go in and impeach the motherfucker”:
Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib tells cheering crowd that Trump impeachment coming
“We’re going to go in and impeach the motherfucker”
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Tlaib eventually got her wish after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) succumbed to the far-left flank’s demands, announcing an official impeachment inquiry on Wednesday. Democrats used a “whistleblower” complaint regarding President Trump’s conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky — a conversation that contains no quid pro quo, as the transcript reveals — as a catalyst for the probe.“LEAN IN WITH ME TO HOLD THIS LAWLESS PRESIDENT ACCOUNTABLE. TOGETHER, WE WILL FIGHT BACK AND PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY,” TLAIB TWEETED ON THURSDAY, TOUTING THE “IMPEACH THE MF” SHIRTS.
“Our country depends on it! …and yes you can even wear what you feel,” she added:
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The shirts were met with backlash — so much so that the far-left “Squad” member felt compelled to reaffirm that she takes impeachment seriously:
If there is anyone who takes impeachment seriously it is myself & the people I fight for everyday. Whether or not you agree with the expression, the t-shirts are to bring levity to my supporters. A senior in my district said, “It feels liberating.” (2/4)
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“Impeachment is serious – I know this. But it is a mistake to try to equate t-shirts with the destruction of our democracy or try to paint those who’ve risked our safety calling for it, as not taking it seriously,” she wrote, arguing that her shirts bring “levity” and a sense of freedom to supporters.“If there is anyone who takes impeachment seriously it is myself & the people I fight for everyday. Whether or not you agree with the expression, the t-shirts are to bring levity to my supporters,” she said. “A senior in my district said, ‘It feels liberating.’”“Not only has this President personally targeted my faith, but he has been making decisions as a CEO of the Trump Corp., not as someone looking out for what is best for the American people,” she proclaimed.
“Focus on why people are so angry with this President and his administration. Instead of the t-shirts, focus on this President’s criminal, impeachable behavior,” she added:
Instead of the t-shirts, focus on this President’s criminal, impeachable behavior. (4/4)
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Tlaib has used “Impeach the MF” as a rallying cry in recent months, appearing at the Netroots Nation conference in July and telling the crowd, “He [Trump] will not be above the law and get away with it on my watch.”“We’re going to impeach the MF’er, don’t worry!” she said.