Tuesday, March 31, 2020

TOPICS: MessiahCoronavirus

Messiah Will Come by Passover, Says Israel Health Minister

“I am sure Messiah will come by Passover and save us the same way God saved us during the Exodus”
Only the Messiah can save Israel from coronavirus, says Health Minister.
Israel Health Ministry Yaakov Litzman has been criticized for what many call his unprofessional handling of the coronavirus crisis. But in a recent interview, he suggested that while he takes the situation seriously, he’s waiting on a more divine brand of deliverance.
One of the early sticking points in the current unity coalition negotiations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and rival Benny Gantz was the latter’s insistence that someone other than Litzman serve as Minister of Health in the next government.
Litzman insisted that his United Torah Judaism faction and its seven seats would remain in the coalition only if he retaied his current post, and Gantz on Sunday reportedly acquiesced.
That sorely disappointed health care professionals in Israel. Earlier in the day, Channel 12 News reported that the heads of hospital departments across the country had petitioned Netanyahu to install a Minister of Health with an actual medical background.
Earlier this month, Litzman was asked in an interview with Chamal News if the current restrictions on the Israeli population will last until after the Passover holiday, set to begin the evening of April 8, next Wednesday.
Israel’s Minister of Health responded:
“God forbid! We are praying and hoping that Messiah will arrive before Passover as it is a time of our redemption. I am sure that the Messiah will come by Passover and save us the same way God saved us during the Exodus and we were freed. The Moshiach will come and save us all.”
For more reactions to Litzman’s faith-based approach, see: Bible-Believing Health Minister Makes Israelis Fume
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  • May he be right. After all, in Daniel 12:10-12 the numbers from the time when Nebukadnezzar interrupted the daily sacrifice in 606 BC until the abomination of desolation is being setup on the holy place in 685 AD (Dome of the Rock), it is exactly 1290 years. And from that year counting another 1335 years we get to the year 2020, which according to Daniel 12:12 "Blessed is he that reaches and waits until the end of 1335 days (years)".
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        Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first temple in 587 BC, not 606 BC. Al-aqsa built 705 AD (1292 years later). 1335 more years = 2040 AD.
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            Nebukadnezzar first came agains Jerusalem as a General in 606 BC and took holy vessels from the temple and took also with him Daniel and his three friends and others. At that time, he didn't destroy the temple yet, but when he entered into the temple to take with him silver and golden items, the temple was unclean and the priests would have to temporarily suspend the daily temple service for the first time.
            Daniel most likely witnessed this event, and thats why it was given him as a point of reference in Daniel 12:10. He was from Jerusalem and one of the nobels that got taken to Babylon.
            To your second point - please look up when the Dome of the Rock was built, not the Al-Aksa mosque. Those are two different structures on the temple mount.
            The Dome of the Rock was built from 685 to 692.
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            How is one to recognize the Messiah? What is the criteria the Health Minister is using as a point of reference? Is it Rabbinical literature or the Torah? Judaism has in the past recognized many false messiahs the most memorable was Bar Kokhba which led to thousands of Jews being slaughtered by the Romans. This was spearheaded by Rabbi Akiba who believed Bar Kokhba was the Messiah. Should we trust the rabbi's and their written works or should we trust the Torah-Tenach? The Hebrew Bible was given to us to study, learn from the prophets how to live, and how to recognize the messiah. Moreover, it gave us a blueprint of warnings if we disobeyed HaShem laws. These prophetic warnings throughout our dispersion and survival as a people, are warning markers. If we do not take heed to these prophetic markers things will get worse. The most recent markers is the rise of anti-Semitism world-wide, and in HaShem prophetic economy He is driving us out of the countries of our dispersion, and returning us back to our land-Israel. So again the question is how can we know for sure who the Messiah is? It is very clear to me, if we study the bible and read our scriptures the Messiah is revealed historically and clearly in Daniel chapter 9, Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and Proverbs 30:4 and many other scriptures. We need to read, and study what it says instead of what Rabbis like Litzman are saying, he is NOT the final authority our Bible is. May the G-d of heaven grant us mercy, insight and courage to recognize the truth and proclaim it.
            Isaiah 53:5,6
            But He was pierced through for our transgressions,
            He was crushed for our iniquities;
            The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,
            And by His scourging we are healed.
            All of us like sheep have gone astray,
            Each of us has turned to his own way;
            But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all
            To fall on Him.
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                It's too bad he doesn't realize that Messiah has already shown up the first time. Many of us are hoping and praying that He will again show up in the clouds, and rapture the true Christian Church out of here soon. Many need to believe that, and be ready for His return, before it's too late!
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                    I agree and believe we are only in the beginning of the birth pains. Before the 2 two in the field, where one will be taken and the other left.
                    Regardless we are to be ready at all times. 
                    Be well!
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                      Lets hope he dose
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                        5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8All these are the beginning of sorrows.------ Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 
                        Ah gee! just read all of Matthew 24
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                            Sorry to burst your bubble Rabbi we still have to have 7 years of tribulation.
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                                Jesuit nonsense; there was a Great Tribulation in 68 CE and between 1941 and 1945 (besides the 1,260 years under the Papacy).
                                And while the masses are waiting for the Great Tribulation to start, it'll hit them in broad daylight (which was the aim of the little Jesuit wile called "futurism").
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                                  Though we can't know the day, we are expected to read the signs of the times and to know the season of his return (which is now IMO). Obviously, not everything the sages have said is wrong, and the Exodus from Egypt clearly foreshadows the ultimate "Exodus" from this world; thus I agree with Litzman (despite him being ultra-Orthodox). Paul says that all the Jewish people will be saved, whereas the prospect for lawless and trinitarian "Jesus lovers" seems rather grim (to put it mildly).
                                  Daniel 9, which also Abraham mentions in his post below, is a messianic prophecy that wasn't exhausted 2,000 years ago. Since 70 Weeks are determined, I think the Messiah will return before the end of 71st Week, i.e. within the next fortnight. Put differently, I expect the Temple to be completed and Israel to reign under the Messiah before nightfall of April 16.
                                  Some may have seen this before, but since Litzman indirectly refers to it, here's part of a previous post:
                                  "Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city until the measure of transgression is filled and that of sin complete, until iniquity is expiated, and eternal righteousness ushered in; and prophetic vision ratified, and the Holy of Holies anointed. You must know and understand: From the issuance of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the time of the Messiah is seven weeks; sixty-two weeks, and her streets and walls will be rebuilt, but in a time of distress. And after those sixty-two weeks, the Messiah will be cut off, but not for himself. The army of a leader who is to come [Titus] will destroy the city and the sanctuary, but its end will come through a flood. Desolation is decreed until the end of war [73 CE]. For one week he [the Messiah] will confirm a covenant with many, and in the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and offering to cease." (Daniel 9:24–27)
                                  437 BCE Wall completed
                                  + 434 years (62 weeks)
                                  = 3 BCE Yeshua's birth
                                  457 BCE Decree of Ahasuerus
                                  + 483 years (69 weeks)
                                  = 27 CE Yeshua's baptism
                                  Yeshua himself and by working through his disciples confirmed the New Covenant with the Jews for 1 week (7 years), i.e. from 27 CE – 34 CE (after the 70th week had ended, the first non-Jews got saved, viz. the Samaritans).
                                  34 CE Samaritans get saved
                                  62 weeks after Yeshua's baptism in February 27 CE, he was executed in April 28 CE, to wit, seven weeks before Shavuot, i.e. Pentecost (one needs to count 7 weeks backwards from Shavuot to arrive at the Messiah, i.e. backwards from the restoration of the Jews through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the inauguration of the New Covenant on Shavuot).
                                  He was literally cut off midweek because he was executed on a Wednesday. The duration of Yeshua's entire ministry, from his baptism until Shavuot was exactly 70 weeks (not 3½ years as Rome tells us).
                                  The Jews were given 40 years to repent and then the Temple was destroyed in 68 CE. The timespan from Yeshua's birth in 3 BCE (which was in fact a rebirth) until the destruction of the Temple in 68 CE is seventy weeks, i.e. seventy Passover weeks. It parallels the final fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy: From the rebirth of Israel until the restoration of the Temple, seventy Passover weeks will pass:
                                  Since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, seventy Passover weeks have passed, and since the rebuilding of Jerusalem, i.e. the restoration of the Jewish Quarter in 1969, seven weeks of years have passed (49 Passover weeks). Because the completion of the coming Passover in April would be the 71st week, I personally expect Armageddon to hit beforehand (the coronavirus is not a step towards some Captain Kirk One-World-Government but the beginning of God's Judgment. God is destroying the Whore of Babylon, i.e. the Papacy including the Protestant harlot churches and anyone embracing lawlessness and idolatry: Sunday and Trinity worship, Christmas, Easter, heliocentrism, etc.).
                                  PS: The destruction of Babylon lasts one hour as per Revelation 18:10, 17, which corresponds to one month in Biblical prophecy: "Are there not twelve hours in a day?" (John 11:9) combined with 1 day = 1 year (Num 14:34; Ezek 4:5–6).
                                    see more
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                                      No one knows the day or hour Messiah Yeshua will return, not even Yeshua Himself.
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                                          I Hope so too. Yeshua, Come Lord Yeshua, come. Please.

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