Thursday, February 3, 2022

Breaking News Updates - February 03, 2022...Storm Warning - Interpreting The Signs Of The Times Jesus scolded the people of his day for their ability to discern weather patterns, but not the signs telling them their Messiah stood in their midst.



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Breaking News Updates - February 03, 2022
Storm Warning - Interpreting The Signs Of The Times
Jesus scolded the people of his day for their ability to discern weather patterns, but not the signs telling them their Messiah stood in their midst. Might Jesus make a similar statement today regarding Christians and pastors who remain blind to the numerous prophetic indicators of the last days that surround us?
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Apple's 'Pregnant Man' Emoji Shows The Reconstruction Of Our Society
The culture around us reflects what our society sees as reality, and increasingly, that culture is being reconstructed -- transitioned, if you will -- in the image of trans activists.
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A New Pillar Of Fire? Israel's Borders To Be Protected With Wall Of Lasers
The lasers, using an autonomous detection and tracking system, will superheat drones and rockets which the developers claim will catch on fire within a few seconds.
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Redefining Islamic Terrorism As 'Mental Illness'
There's hardly been a Muslim terrorist attack committed by a single perpetrator in Europe or America in the last five years that the authorities and the media haven't tried to spin as mental illness.
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The Millennium Prophecies - What Does The Bible Say About This Time Period?

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