Thursday, February 24, 2022

CANADA HAS FALLEN NEWS: VIDEO James Fedewa • • February 23, 2022 41 Comments Parliament approves Emergencies Act



by James Fedewa  •  •  February 23, 2022    41 Comments

Parliament approves Emergencies Act

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Canada's fall from grace is leaving many around the world stunned as the pleas of the truckers for an end to the mandates ended in a police takeover.

Church Militant's James Fedewa talks more about how "glorious and free" Canada is now in a state of emergency. 

Canada's legislature on Monday approved extending Trudeau's use of unprecedented emergency powers.

The House of Commons voted 185–151 in favor of the extension for a 30-day period.

Justin Trudeau, prime minister: "Right now, the situation requires additional tools not held by any other federal, provincial or territorial law. It is now clear that responsible leadership requires us to do this."

The powers allow police to establish no-protest zones and the government to confiscate financial assets of people who disagree with Trudeau.

The extension still requires Senate approval. But Senate members are appointed by the prime minister and rarely overturn measures ratified by the lower house.

Trudeau's latest ploy represents one of the most aggressive moves by a Western government in response to protests against COVID mandates.

Trudeau has for weeks been framing truckers in deplorable terms but has refused to meet them in person.

Candice Bergen, interim leader, Conservative Party of Canada: "[Protestors are] peace-loving Canadians who are called misogynists and racists by the prime minister — the prime minister who, may I remind this House, wore blackface on more times than he can remember."

Canada's fall is causing more people to see Trudeau as a puppet on the strings of globalists like Klaus Schwab and George Soros — even being called "Soros' favorite prime minister."

Ya'ara Saks, a liberal MP who supported the Emergencies Act, is justifying her vote by claiming "'honk honk' is an acronym for 'heil Hitler,'" suggesting anyone expressing support for the truckers is a Nazi sympathizer.


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