Poland admonishes Germany

According to some prelates, Germany's bishops are leading their flock toward heresy and schism. Church Militant's Hunter Bradford tells us about one Polish archbishop who is speaking out.
The head of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Stanisław Gądecki, is admonishing the leader of Germany's church.
In an open letter published today, Gądecki addressed Bp. Georg Bätzing, the president of the German Bishops' Conference, warning him about Germany's ongoing Synodal Path: "We should not yield to the pressures of the world or to the patterns of the dominant culture, since this can lead to moral and spiritual corruption."
He further warned, "Let us avoid repeating worn-out slogans and standard demands, such as the abolition of celibacy, priesthood for women, Communion for the divorced or blessing of same-sex unions." Gądecki noted the German Church's importance in Europe, saying, "It will either radiate its faith or its unbelief to the entire continent."
The Polish bishops have been fighting for the Catholic soul of Poland. In 2015, Gądecki denounced gender ideology, calling it "worse than communism."
And, in 2019, the Polish Bishops' Conference slammed a pro-LGBT declaration, even refusing to use the term "LGBT."
The Polish bishops also stand up for Church teaching on the Holy Eucharist — that it is truly the Body of Christ. This is not a symbol, but the Real Presence of Christ in the form of bread.
Catholics in most dioceses throughout the United States and Europe — especially in Germany — are not used to hearing firm teaching from their bishops. While many prelates seem to be hirelings, or even wolves in shepherds' clothing, the Polish bishops seem to be true shepherds.
In 2019, the German Synodal Path was declared "not ecclesiologically valid" by Cdl. Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for Bishops. He warned that it could trigger schism in Germany's church.