Thursday, February 3, 2022

the Vortex...The Church Militant...02/03/2022...YOUNG TRADS SPEAK OUT Ever ancient, ever new. February 3, 2022

 the Vortex

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Ever ancient, ever new.

February 3, 2022  46 Comments


Click here to buy the book Ever Ancient, Ever New: Why Younger Generations are Embracing Traditional Catholicism.

It's no secret that much of the juice behind the move to the Latin Mass is coming from younger Catholics. Pope Francis has even publicly expressed his puzzlement over it, wondering out loud what would be attracting young people — who had no experience of the Church prior to Vatican II — to begin embracing tradition.

Young Catholics went on the offensive.GabTweet

So when he published Traditionis Custodes, essentially slamming traditional-minded Catholics and marginalizing the Latin Mass in what sure looks like an attempt to completely destroy it, young Catholics, in particular, went on the offensive.

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