TRANSCRIPT: In an effort to reach out to men (and women) these days, a growing number of Churches are foolishly falling all over themselves to look more and more like the unsaved world... instead of a place to gain knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. There is a disturbing trend of increasing acceptance of values and lifestyles that conform to the norms of the unsaved world and not those found in the Bible. Paul put it this way in his letter to the Romans...
Nearly a century ago (1927), Henry H. Halley wrote Halley’s Bible Handbook. In it, he describes how “church” should be conducted. His instruction, beginning on page 814, is timeless: “A simple suggestion... That each Church have a congregational plan of Bible reading, and that the Pastors’ sermon be from the part of the Bible read the past week... thus, connecting the pastor’s preaching with the people’s Bible reading. This suggestion, if followed, would, beyond any doubt whatsoever, produce a revitalized church. Provided, of course, the pastor himself thoroughly believes in the Bible as God’s Word and puts his heart into the effort. The Church and the Bible go together. The Church exists to proclaim and exalt the Christ of the Bible and nothing else. A church that does not enthrone the Bible in the lives of its people is false to its mission. The Bible is not just a text for preachers and teachers… it is a book for all people. All the people and preachers and teachers who build upon any other foundation must not be surprised if their work, in the end, proves to be very superficial.” On the next page, Halley goes on to say... “I marvel that the Church people are so indifferent to and neglectful of the book that tells them about their Savior. But I marvel more that Church leaders are doing so little about it. Unquestionably the most fatal weakness of the present-day church is the lack of leadership in the pulpit on this one point of guiding and leading the people into the one habit that is a source and basis of everything the Church exists to accomplish in its people.” And that was written nearly one hundred years ago, and we’ve gone downhill ever since… It should be apparent to all by now that the way of the secular (non-Christian) world has led individual families and our country headlong down the path of spiritual destruction. As long as church leaders try “creative marketing” instead of God’s way, the men of their churches will continue to be influenced by the world’s lies. They will never discover the difference between the wisdom of God and the foolishness of man. Any and all Church-sponsored men’s events should include some amount of time for sharing the Word of God or seeking His wisdom. Only in that way can men effectively lead their families as commanded by Scripture! |