Sunday, July 30, 2023

Merrick Garland had a bone-chilling idea handed to him on MSNBC that will change America forever JULY 28, 2023 3 MINUTE READ


Merrick Garland had a bone-chilling idea handed to him on MSNBC that will change America forever

More and more Americans believe the country has a two-tiered justice system.

But many on the Left have no intention of stopping at “rules for thee and not for thee.”And now Merrick Garland just had a bone-chilling idea handed to him on MSNBC that will change America forever.This plan hatched on MSNBC to shut down free speech will leave you shell shocked

When leftists latch onto a Republican initiative, freedom-loving Americans are now immediately suspicious.Within a month and a half of the 2001 terrorist attacks, then President George W. Bush convinced Congress to pass the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act, which soon came to be known as the Patriot Act.

The shocking and controversial bill vastly increased government power allowing the FBI to conduct searches and even wiretap American citizens without any proof of wrongdoing.The shocking law was a boon to nosy bureaucrats who now had explicit permission to blow off the constitutional protections against search and seizure contained in the Fourth Amendment.

Of course, that law was passed in a fear-based climate as US politicians basically committed endless taxpayer dollars to go to battle with a state of mind in their “War on Terrorism.”Now, an MSNBC guest just put out an idea Merrick Garland will love.

Left-wing podcaster Paul Rieckhoff suggested a plan to turbocharge the already out-of-control weaponization of federal agencies, during a recent episode of the MSNBC program Deadline: White House.

Essentially his idea would create a Patriot Act 2.0.

“I wouldn’t dismiss it as just something that only people on the right or watching Fox News can latch on to. We are in a battle for hearts and minds, and there are people who are on the fence,” Rieckhoff started off.

Taking Big Government oppression to the next level

“You’ve got to have leaders and messages and messengers and programs to get to those people that bring them over into community organizing and into non-profit organizations and away from the Patriot Front and the Oath Keepers,” he went on to say, essentially claiming that anyone who isn’t a Barack Obama-style community organizer is in danger of becoming an unhinged right-wing extremist.

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace didn’t even bat an eye as her guest went on to basically accuse vast swaths of sensible Americans of being terrorists by claiming “the parallels of 9/11 are important.”“After 9/11, the laws didn’t work. They made massive changes to respond to a new threat,” Reichkhoff claimed. “I think we have to face the fact that many of our structures, laws, and policies may not work. After 9/11 we created the Department of Homeland Security. There was the Patriot Act.”

Now he’s pushing for some sort of additional “tectonic shift.”

“It’s got to be much more than see something say something. But maybe our laws need to change to respond to the fact that someone like Mike Flynn, the former national security director, is openly calling for violence consistently,” he argued.

The last tweet Mike Flynn issued that dealt with violence called for ending the mistreatment of children.

“We must protect the future of our nation by stopping the destruction of our children through abortions and genital mutilation,” he noted on July 27 in a post about pro-life efforts in Ohio.

In reality, Rieckhoff is advocating for the federal government to create new vastly intrusive laws to strip Americans of freedom of speech and the right to privacy for only one reason: to further silence the Left’s political opponents.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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